
I'm 3 Months Pregnant And I Don't Want My Baby. What Can I Do?


58 Answers

Arianna Vaccaro Profile
Arianna Vaccaro answered
If you are 3 months pregnant and are sure that you don’t want your baby, discuss your options with your doctor and, if applicable, your family and partner.  You can also call bpas (The British Pregnancy Advisory Service) on 08457304030 for free advice or see  It is a registered charity and talks to over 55,000 women each year who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy.  The final decision is, of course, yours.

In the UK, abortion is legal up until 24 weeks although most are carried out much earlier.  98% are performed before 20 weeks and a high percentage (over 93%) are funded by the NHS so you may not have to pay for it.

If you decide to have an abortion, the method depends upon how many weeks pregnant you are.  A vacuum aspiration or suction termination is performed up to 15 weeks, a late medical abortion from 13 weeks, and a surgical dilation and evacuation from 15 weeks.  There is also another late abortion performed from 20-24 weeks.  An abortion poses few risks to your physical health and does not usually affect your chances of becoming pregnant in the future.

Another option if you don’t want your baby is continuing with the pregnancy and placing the baby for adoption or fostering.  If you choose this option, contact your local Social Services department.  Your GP or midwife will be able to give you the details.  Although preparation is done before the birth, nothing is confirmed until after the birth.  Adoptions are usually made legal 3 months after the birth.  You will have at least 6 weeks after the birth before you have to give your final agreement.  For information and advice, call The British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) on 02075932000 or see

Fostering means that another set of parents will temporarily look after your baby until such a time as you feel ready to agree to adoption or to take on responsibility yourself.  You remain the legal guardian while your child is being fostered.

Don’t rule out the option of keeping your baby.  Your hormones are probably all over the place and may settle down as your pregnancy progresses.  Whatever you decide, make sure that you can live with the decision that you make.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't think she was looking for other people's opinions on what THEY THINK she should do; she was asking for what SHE CAN do. Your local Planned Parenthood will be able to give you the facts you are looking for about abortion procedures or prenatal care or adoption choices. They will give you the information and the services you require. Best of luck.
kayla Profile
kayla answered
I wish you would keep your baby, you may be Young but I am too I'm only 17 and I have tried to get pregnant and can't, =[ very sad, but like I said my sister was 16, and she has gotten herself into gear and has a nice apt. And everything, and she is a single mom, trust me if she can do it anyone can, t Will be hard work, but trust me it will be worth it, as soon as that little boy or girl looks up and calls you mommy, I don't believe in abortion! So hopefully if you do give it away you do adoption
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you don't want the baby, it is not a sign of a bad mother to consider all your options. At 12 weeks, the window for an abortion becomes more difficult. Second trimester abortions are on a fetus, not an embryo, and are more dangerous and difficult. They are also psychologically harder on the mother. However, women have had successful second trimester abortions, usually, they are for therapeutic reasons.  These women have gone on to have subsequent successful pregnancies, so don't believe this will damage your uterus. In a good clinic, you are not in danger of becoming infertile as a result of an abortion.
  You may have personal reasons that an abortion will not work for you. If you have mental health issues or are unstable this may not be the best solution. If you have been raised in a religious background with strong feelings of guilt this choice will be hard to reconcile. It may take counseling to overcome your core beliefs about abortion.
  The other option is adoption. Open adoptions will keep you in your child's life, you just won't be the baby's mother, but the the baby's birth giver of life. You will always be the baby's birth mother. If you get a stable couple, you are giving the child the best possible life in a difficult world. This is an act of love, and it is unselfish.
  You will be able to see your child grow and prosper, and it will be a blessing.  Not that you won't feel the pangs and pain of "giving" your child you may sometimes think you have done. But you haven't, you are in his life. It's not much different than when grandparents raise children because mom and dad can't do it.
  Then again, you may find you want this baby when the maternal nesting hormones kick in, but you have to make the decision of keeping the baby or adopting before the baby is born, for the best possible bonding of your baby with it's adoptive parents.
  Good luck, and listen to your intution. You will come up with the right answer.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are many wonderfully loving people that would happily do a private adoption with you. If that is something you are interested in doing you should post a private email address (open a yahoo or gmail or hotmail address) and correspond privately with interested couples. Best of luck and love.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Have it and give it to good people who can't have kids.You'll be doing the right thing.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hun it is up to you, your body and mind, I had 2 adopt and now I am a full time mum to a 2 year old boy and it is hard work, I am only 23, yeah I should feel luck to have a baby but I don't sorry everyone for saying that but I can't handle being a mum. Finding it very hard not having a live off my own without him. I have to see my doctor every month for more tablets so I don't lose control. Its no live think very hard before doing anything. I feel for you right now
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kayla commented
--well my sister was 16 when she got pregnant and had her baby girl 2 weeks before she turned 17, she has been and still is a single mom, she had to drop out of school,but got her GED then she went through a 9 week course and became a CNA and supports, herself the baby and her house hold, just be paitent you baby is 2 there horrible at that age, they get into everything, but its becuase there just learning how to walk and now they want to explore and find out what everything is, hold in there.
sharna p Profile
sharna p answered
Hello my name is sharna I'm 3 months pregnant I really am happy I want this baby so much but my partner of over 2 years doesnt want it when we fight I don't want it either but ido he makes me feel so bad and I feel like I shouldnt have it cause I'm scared he will leave me all I want is to be happy and its just great that I am pregnant iim nearly 18 and when I was sixteen I had an abortion I can't go through it again as I still feel for the first one I got rid of it teard me apart

I just don't no what to do please help
comment back I need answeres if you can help please
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Anonymous commented
Sharna, if you are happy that you are pregnant and love your baby, you do not ned a man at all to help you. Women do it everyday on their own. I pray you don't let him make you feel bad for loving the baby that is inside you. That's half you. It is the most amazing thing to be a mother. I have a son who is 4 and is truly the love of my life. I can not have any more so if you would like to contact me at my name is Karen. I would love to help you out even if you just need support!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you do keep it and consider adoption- go through a reputable adoption company. They do all the necessary background checks in order to assure your safety and te childs happiness. DO NOT give your child to someone begging you on the Internet. That's just scary.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You could consider adoption. Coming from personal experience an abortion is rarely ever something you don't regret. Ive also known quite a few women who have had them and really regret it too. There are A LOT of lovely families wanting to adopt and your little baby will be happy and cared for for the rest of their life. Have a think about it :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some things I read on here are worse than watching an episode of Jerry Springer!

Every situation is unique and no-one has the right to judge. Things happen and its about how you come back from it...... Nothing else. There is no right or wrong.....this is solely the women's decison and I would not wish this on anybody. It is not only emotionally draining but the effects of this can linger, whatever you decide.

I would advise you, Anna to walk away from your PC and find somewhere where your comments might be more welcome (like maybe Nazi Germany).

And there is nothing proven to suggest that abortions effect your fertility.
Latoya Butler Profile
Latoya Butler answered
I am married and I already have 4 kids and I just found out that I am expecting another child, but my doctor told me that since I have already had 4 c-section that I can't have another c-section becasue they said that my uterus will starting growing inside out.  When my doctor told me that, that really scared me and not I'm trying to get an abortion behind my husband back because h doesn't want me to have an abortion he wants me to keep the baby and he said that my doctor doesn't know what hes talking about.  What should I do in this case should I go ahead and get an abortion because of what my doctor told me after having my last baby who is only 7 months old or should I try to have another baby?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't want to have this baby I don't know the dad
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cece commented
Bless your heart, I'm a very sweet person and love to talk
I would love LOVe to adopt your baby please consider me. I could come to you
or pay for your doctor bills etc. I've just been having issues having my own. Please I could send you my number and come to you if needed. God bless!
Holly Hope
Holly Hope commented
Hello, my name is holly and I really want another child, I can not have any more children. I am willing to pay for insurance for you to have the child and any other fees. I just want a child. PLEASE Call me Holly 518.313.9989
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Call Me 864-346-2143 There are many couples who are dying to adopt that cannot afford to pay thousands of dollars to adopt through an agency. Some are willing to help you step by step in going to doctors visits and even helping in the delivery if someone would just give them the chance. My name is Brittney. Me and My husband are one of those couples.
Chandra Jones Profile
Chandra Jones answered
I'm 22 yrs. Old and I myself cannot not concieve. Abortion I do not agree with but I am not one to judge I leave the judging to the man upstairs. I have been trying toto have a child for about three years now. I'm in college right right now majoring to be a case worker which is a four year course I own my own home and I have my life pretty much in tact all I'm missing is a child. I pray every night over my womb asking God to bless  me with a child and still no luck. I'm lookin to adopt but I can't afford it while going through school and ect. I feel abortion is un fair to woman like me that cannot have children. The baby is innocent what ever you do please don't take the babies life. Give it to someone that would be,willing to
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous , Want2beAmommaAgain, answered

Please I beg of you young ladies and ladies I know accidents do happen but wonderful families like mine would love to have a bundle of joy.

I was able to have one child before my ability to have children was taken from me at age 25 and my husband has an older child, but we have never had the chance to have a child of our own and it hurts.

We came close two different times but the ladies changed their minds, it was so very heartbreaking, so just imagine the joy you could put into a family. I just do not see abortion as an option so please I'm here contact me, I will be delighted to help.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think you should talk to your family and talk about different opportunities like adoption ect. And in the end you might enjoy the pregnancy and decide to keep it.
sheina key Profile
sheina key answered
My husband and I would love to add a child to our lives!! Please do not abort your baby!!!! We would love to adopt your child!
Holly Hope Profile
Holly Hope answered
Hello, my name is holly and I really want another child, I can not have any more children. I  am willing to pay for insurance for you to have the child and any other fees. I just want a child. PLEASE Call me Holly 518.313.9989
tonya tiffany Profile
tonya tiffany answered
If any one is seeking a abortion please contact me before me you do anything my name is Tonya and my number is 912-462-5660
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I Have two children already who are such lovely children and love them to bits. Iv just found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant. It was a big shock to me because I did not want anymore after having my two I already have. I'm very confused my self. A part of me is saying I want the baby and part of me don't want the baby. Its not in my nature to get rid of the baby because its a life which is a part of me. Having children is the best thing in the world the love they give to you is like no other. The cuddles I get from my two already makes me so happy to know they are both mine. And so is this one which is in my belly right now. I feel for you because it seems you don't know what you want just like me. My boyfriends not happy I can tell you that. He don't want anymore. But its me who as to make that choice not him. I'm scared of losing him but how I look at it is that if my boyfriend truly loved me he stay with me no matter what. If he leaves I know he did not love me as I thought he did. And would have to cope on my own which I know will be hard but would do it because its a baby thats wants love just like I do. I  have so much love still to give like you have and I know that you will love this baby. I would only say get rid of the baby if you have thought so hard about it. And not listened to anyone else. Get a bit of paper a write down the bad things about keeping the baby and the good things about keeping the baby. And if you have more good things about keeping the baby then keep it if more bad things think why they would be bad and how you can change them into good things if you can't then go with your heart.  But you are 3 months the baby is formed as a baby by this point as can't understand why you left it so long. Its a shame I bet you make a good mum. Its the best feeling ever trust me I have two children already 6 and 12 and they are the best thing that as ever happened to me. All I'm going to say now is good luck in what ever you choose but please please choose carefully because you might just make the wrong choice take care
krista Profile
krista answered
Connie240 this is completely your choice, talk to your doctor about your options, I don't know where you are from, but search the Internet about abortions in your area, if that is your consideration, and try to educate yourself a little about the procedure, usually an abortion is performed at 7 to 14 weeks I believe, but the further along you are the more uncomfortable and risky it is, abortions are usually safe but there are always risks associated with every medical procedure. Seriously, this is something worth thinking about, deciding to keep your child is a big decision, but your decision.  There are a lot of people that has rushed to abortion and regretted it big time later.  Think about your situation, and try to think good.  I am pregnant as well, about 8 or 9 weeks, I had a lot of trouble with having my first child, I hemorraged and had to get blood transfusions because I had retained placenta, finding out only 14 months after my first child, I was very scared and considered abortion, I researched and researched and talked to my doctor, she knew I was unsure and I asked about a c section and she said she will try to set it up for me.  I was really scared about the pregnancy, but talking to my doctor really helped. I felt that the longer I held off and the longer I was pregnant, the more I didn't want an abortion. Its a big change for you, I don't know if this is your first but, you will adjust. Believe me I really researched and really tried to find out as much as I could. And according to my research, Abortions do not affect your ability to have more children like was stated above.  What I did was try to picture myself getting the procedure performed and how I would actually feel, and I couldn't see me doing it. Then how I would feel afterward, during my research I found that the most feeling is relief but there's also anger, sadness of what could have been, regret, and like I said before, there's a lot of people that did rush into it and regret it.  Make sure you KNOW what you want before you go through with it.  Its your body, its your choice, make the right choice.  I can't stress it enough, don't do it if your unsure.  There are also adoption options, so please think and think.  This baby didn't ask to come here, think about it.  Did you ever think about adoption, and think maybe in the end you would want to keep the baby? There are a lot of options, consider yours!
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Anonymous commented
I had an abortion 5 year's ago and it nearly destroyed me. They are not for everyone. Other friends of mine have had them and have been fine with them. It depends on how strong you are.
J P commented
My husband and I are a loving, married, caucasion couple whom can not have a child of our own. We are actively looking for child to adopt. We have references available if you would like them.
Here is my email
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, if you know that you can't afford an abortion, and you are scared to take any pills, the only alternative you really have left is adoption. I know you don't need to hear anymore opinions, but I think that would be the best option. My girlfriend had an abortion a few years ago when she was eighteen weeks pregnant. I was against it, but by law, the fathers opinion on the matter, really doesnt matter. Anyway, to this day, it bothers me immensely that I didnt put up more of a fight. I think an adoption is the best way to go. That way, later on down the road you don't end up regretting what you did. I'm not saying that noone should get an abortion, its up to each individual person. But, if you arent sure that its the right thing to do, it probably isn't the right thing for you to do. I wish you the best of luck !!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 4 months pregnant and everyone thought I was having a girl, I really desperately wanted a girl and had really developed a strong connection with the little girl I thought was in my future, now the doctor says I am having a boy. I feel like some unwelcome guest has taken up residence without my permission. I know this is a horrible way to feel but no matter how much people try to tell me I will love having a boy I just want to sob and I ache for the little girl I wanted. WHat is wrong with me? It's like someone died. I don't gravitate to boys and didn't have brothers or sisters so myself is the only experience of childhood I have. I wanted to start off with a girl, something I knew and I love little girls. Even ones that arent mine. I am afraid I'll be a horrible mother since I feel like this boy is just a second rate substitute that will cause me nothing but sadness.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I have kids but can't have no more but if you decide to not keep your baby don't get a abortion please if you can't keep it they are a lot of love in my heart for another child no matter the reason your choice I would love to have a baby but my health stop-ed that my husband and me our self don't have children together but would like to have one and it would be treated that way and be loved with all the love god can give us its hard to raise a child I raised 3 but I learned the hard way not easy but it would be a great blessing to have another child so if you decide to have it and let it go call on me I would be blessed to have a daughter and grand baby because your part of its life if not ill still take care for you little one. Love and waiting to hear from you god bless and and take care of you both 423-320-2283 ask for beth
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, if you know that you can't afford an abortion, and you are scared to take any pills, the only alternative you really have left is adoption. I know you don't need to hear anymore opinions, but I think that would be the best option. My girlfriend had an abortion a few years ago when she was eighteen weeks pregnant.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First of all I am glad you are able to admit that. It is a hard decision. I too have been in your place where I was pregnant and it was a horrible situation for my daughter to be put in with a abusive father. I choose adoption. It was the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life. But it was the right thing to do. It was an open adoption and I get to see her and get pictures every month. Just a thought! Keep strong!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ohh poor thing well your other option would be adoption, I myself don't believe in abortion, but if don't want the baby it's better you give the baby up for adoption to a nice loving couple that can give that baby a good chance at life....Just a sugestion...I wish you well
Mohsin Hijazee Profile
Mohsin Hijazee answered
After getting pregnant for three months the risk of abortion is quite high even if the abortion is successful your uterus may be damaged extremely.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Hi im 17
i was just searching on the web to see what the options were on having an abortion at 3months, i came across this, after reading all the comments.. Ive decided to keep my baby. I think im going to be a good mum.
Some of you people out there are pretty horrible especially u anna!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would love to have a new baby. I am just not in a position relationally to have a baby. Think of it as a gift. You may change your mind later.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well their are many people out their that would love to have your baby you do not have to keep it you should look into that
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Case25, you seem like you would be a sweet
Christian mother, I will pray for you. I do just want to say don't give up. I got pregnant at 16 and kept it , but was then told I would have a hard time having more due to fertility problems. Well, long stort short, I have had a child naturally in 1984, 1994, 2004 and am now 3 months pregnant without any drugs. Now having a child once every 10 years wouldn't have exactly been MY choice, but I guess God felt it's what I could handle. And yes, one is your age. All with the same husband except the one I had in HS. Just hang in there and keep praying, you never know when God will say "it's time", crazy as the
time might seem. The world needs more good Christian homes. By the way, the oldest, born in Dec 84, is a preacher! Have Faith sweetie!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
People like you irritate me!! I would give anything to have a baby and can't and of course people like you can and either don't want them or don't take care of them.. Well here is some advice if you are not grown up enough to know to use birthcontrol or face taking care of a child then you obviously don't need to be having sex...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wow~My advice to you.. Only take vitamins and Rx that your OB has written. My hubby and I live in Chas. We are both pharmacist. I understand your decision is not an easy one... I gave up a child for adoption when I was 17. Its a loving choice. NOW that I am married and want to have children, I am unable, and would love to adopt a child one day :)   as for ANNA....just plain ignorant
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am not sure how old this question is do whats right for you.... Just know.... I wish every minute every second was worth it.  And it will be. ....I hope your kissing your baby right now with a smile... And if you can't do it..I hope someone like me is.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Adoption is the best option for its life, if you don't have the money look for a family that can't have babies and give to them, do research and make sure that babie will be in a safe enviorment, thats the best thing you can do, it may be a hard process but its the best one for your child.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi there. My husband and I are looking to adopt another child as I had a emergency hysterectomy 3 years ago. We adopt our son 6 years ago . We have been waiting for someone to be pregant and them not want the child,not to be mean but there are adoptions you can do yourself. Thats how we adopted our son. Would you consider this option maybe
My name is Amanda
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know you might want the situation to just disappear but don't have an abortion. You think that baby has less of a reason to live than you? That is not right. We are all equal. Every baby is equal to you. In my mind, it is murder. I don't know whether I'm pregnant. I'm a teenager, I hope I'm not. No, I am not sleezy. I told him no, but really, abortion isn't right. If you can't do it, give the baby up for adoption! I hope this helped, even a little. God bless you.
Melissa Hite Profile
Melissa Hite answered
I am not sure when this was posted I couldn`t find a date. But Honey so many people who can`t have children want them your local DHHR office can assist you with adopting your baby. I have 3 children That are all grown but when I was 29 I had to have surgery where I can no longer have children. I would love to have another baby, So please don`t get abortion.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
News flash lady: Women are not brood mares to have children for infertile couples! Discouraging someone from having an abortion because someone else can't have kids is just asinine, selfish, cruel and irresponsible.
Donald Reid
Donald Reid commented
it's a sin to kill a baby...if you do not repent of your killing you will be hell bound...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that you should see how many women out there are wanting a baby and can't afford adoption costs. Maybe you will find one who will pay for the doctor bills and will also take care of the baby. They would provide a lawyer and they would probably have it any way you want it. There are a lot of women out there who can't have children and want a baby, badly.
ronda smith Profile
ronda smith answered
Well like one person already said there is people out there that can't have babys I am one of them and if you truly don't want the baby why don't you find someone that wants a baby and have them adopt it if you really don't want it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Give it up for an adoption. There are many many people that cannot have babies that are looking for a baby. I am one myself...
stacey sexton Profile
stacey sexton answered
I would love to take your baby and take care of it and give it all it need and more I a mother of a 15 year old and would love to have another child in my life
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Give the baby to some one the need it, to some one that can't have babys. I'm sure they are going to take care of him/her because thats is what they wanted, a baby
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you don't want the baby y you kept it for so long... Shame on you if you kill that baby.... Hope you wont kill it..... Just give it to some one who want a baby...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I am a women who can not have children. I will love to help someone who does not want the child and care for it with out hurting a life. As having an abortion etc...
Tiffany Flores Profile
Tiffany Flores answered
If you are still pregnant and not wanting your baby please contact me.. My partner and I have been wanting another baby and or you know someone who is in your same situation..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
HI there my dear. Just like to give some advice I know sometimes you feel alone with no one to help you and support your needs I am not sure how young you are, I am a mother myself and I can understand where you are right now, we all have different bringing up in our child-hood and I just want to share something with you. Back in 1999 I became pregnant with my 4th child and when I found out I said to my husband that I didn't want this child because my husband and I had gone through a lot with our relationship but I still carried my child up until my due date and I was told my baby had died in inside me. When baby was born I looked at her and she looked like an angel and I so wished that I had never said what I had said in the pass. Do you know dear, may be you feel that you don't want baby may be because of hard feared reasons but I truly want you to know it will all go away, you know dear you never know but that must be your little angel who is going to help you go through this life. If you really have the love in you which I do believe you have than please dear just have faith in God and our heavenly Father will help you trust me on this. Please do not take away a life that is your little life in you give baby a chance Please... Thank you and take care of yourself.
Amanda Yarborough Profile
If you were raped or got pregnant by molestation, I am sorry for you and wish all the luck in the answers you seek.   But if you accidently got pregnant because you decided to sleep with your boyfriend, husband, fiance, one night stand, then shame on you.   There are many women out there who have a very hard time getting pregnant or maybe can't at all.   It is time for women to take responsibility for themselves, protect themselves, and make him wear protection as well (if he doesn't want to, then you need to leave him alone!!)   If you don't want kids just now or ever, or you can't afford another one, don't want another, whatever the case may be, then YOU need to take every precaution possible to keep it from happening.   Give it up for adoption or keep it, just know that the kid will pay for your mistake, not you.   Don't get an abortion, it's too late.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well you will need a few things , a black bag , an alibi , a witness for your alibi and a nearby lake you put them together and make the answer yourself :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Agreed with the person below, & as to that chick who's 17, learn how to spell MOM first before you become one.
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Anonymous commented
To the spelling nazi above. English people & Australian people, just to name a few nationalities, both spell & say MUM. Americans did not create the ENGLISH language. Maybe you could broaden your mind. It is very sad if you can't have a baby & wish to have one. But if it's not right for you, people can do what they know is the right thing for them. Who are you to judge.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wear protection in the first place so it doesnt happen! And find a good family to give it to if you don't want to keep it.
Anna Lewis Profile
Anna Lewis answered
You know you are very dumb person after 3mos with having that unborn person inside you and now you want to get rid of it that is wrong if you knew that you could get pregnant then you should of took precautions when you laid down and had sex with someone that is not right and its NOT that unborn baby's fault and you should take care of your responsibility there is a lot of women out there who can't have babies and well you may not be able to have any after you get whatever procedure done to you to get rid of this life you have carried for 3mos that is unfair and god won't forgive women who kill there children) and mostly you because its simply "you don't want it" that is wrong I thought the same thing and you know what? My daughter is almost 2 and I love her to death and I just don't know where I would be without her in it. And if the baby's dad won't be there then get child support on his A** I would!!! JUST THINK ABOUT WHAT YOUR DOING PLEASE
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View all 13 Comments
Anonymous commented
This person needs to go back to school and learn punctuation. There's no point in making a comment if people cannot read it intelligibly to start with.
Anonymous commented Christian of you. I feel sorry for your kid.
tersia commented
Hi there i would also go with adoption there are a lot of people that cant have children i on the other hand love kids and i would not mind taking another baby in my home.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I m 2 Months Pregnant  and I bunt Want my Baby How cAN I KILL IT
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cece commented
I would be happy to take in your un wanted baby. I have been trying for a while and having trouble. Please email me if you don't mind I could call you if you want also.
Donald Reid
Donald Reid commented
just don't try abortion...that is killing...

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