
How Painful Is It To Have Top Teeth Removed For Dentures?


8 Answers

Lamu Profile
Lamu answered
Not too bad and I hate dentist! I had them use the laughing gas too.

I was in a very serious car accident and had to have my done. My dentist recommended that after having my teeth removed I wait about a month to have my mouth heal before getting my mouth fitted for the dentures. Most dentist just pull and put your new ones in right away. I would recommended waiting. I don't have to use any paste or anything. I can get an apple with them and I never have to worry about them falling or flapping.

I know it's not fun being without them for a month - but one month verses the rest of your life is WAY worth it!

Good luck!

thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Unfortunately, if you work and can't take a month off, some of us have no choice but to have immediate dentures. Who would go work in an office with no teeth?
Becky Lansdale Profile
Becky Lansdale answered
I had ten upper teeth pulled about 2 and a half months ago and am waiting for healing so I can get my denture. When I had mine pulled the worst part was the numbing shot. Which only hurts for a second or two..I had zero pain afterwards and did not need pain meds. I had ten teeth pulled. I can't even believe I had no pain....I guess it depends on how good the dentist is...
Cele Marcum Profile
Cele Marcum answered
I had mine done on Monday at 8 AM, today is Thursday and it is 8:02...I would never, never do this again.  It is the most painful thing that I've ever gone through and I have had three children, four different surgeries and other teeth removed.  I
had six teeth extracted. (top)  My gums are all full of stitches.  I am still all swelled up.  Still bleeding and still hurting, sometimes throbbing pain..especially where the eye tooth was.
If you must do it, just do without teeth for three months and go from there.  It's bad enough with the after extraction w/out taking them in and out...that really causes the pain.....hate to write this, but this is what I'm going through.  
As you can see, I am very upset.  My Dentist is leary about too much pain meds and won't give me what I really need....bad for the liver.  If I could take them the way I feel I need to, it wouldn't be so bad.  Right now I am trying to get up the nerve to put them back in, I just took some Ibuprofen and one Hydrocodone APAP...hopefully, it will allow me to get the plate back in.....yesterday, it was a mess tears running down my swelled up cheeks, blood in the sink.....  Hope that by the time you read this, you would have had it done and you are ok.  Who knows, maybe I'm having a bad reaction...I did go back once already do to excess blood and pain, he did something to th denture and it made it somewhat better.  To my dentist, this is all normal and he keeps on saying that I'll be over the worse anytime now....I'm still waiting.  Please, write back on the site...I want to know how/what you have decided. Cc
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The patient should ask for an anesthetic and not feel a thing. Maybe a little tenderness after the procedure but nothing too serious.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Tangley, did you have immediate dentures? I need them and have to have immediate ones because I work, but I'm scared to death that it will be too painful to put dentures right on top of such sore gums after the extraction. How was that for you?
Anonymous commented
Hi K9mom, I've not had dentures but my friend had them about 10 yrs ago. There are two schools of thought, either immediate dentures or wait. My friend went with the immediate option and had no problem. I would have though wait for the gums to heal but she had no inconvenience at all and 10 yrs later they are still as good as new and have never fallen out. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't really know. I have to get all my teeth pulled in two days. I hope its not to painful.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had 7 teeth on the top pulled out today and have the denture in.
And its killing me.....I don't think I could eat enough pain pills to
make the pain go away right now....I hope tomarrow is better
but I have a feeling its not going to be....but I do know its going to
be a long night
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

My husband had all of his top teeth extracted in one visit and received his dentures immediately. He was told ( other than to rinse his mouth) not to remove them for at least two weeks, even while sleeping. He did as his dentist suggested and never had a problem or was ever tempted to leave them out for an extended length of time, except for cleaning them.

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