
Is 5 Days After Menstruation Is Safe?


10 Answers

Samantha Mitchell Profile
Having unprotected sex five days after menstruation does not protect you that much more or less from getting pregnant than at any other time of month. It certainly is not safe against STDs. Some suggest that natural family planning, i.e. Calculating a ‘safe’ time to have sex based on your ovulation and fertility period, is a successful way to avoid pregnancy. While this may be the case, every individual differs and it can take up to six months of careful counting and symptom detecting to figure out when your ‘safe’ period is.

The NHS website states that although it is not very likely you can get pregnant just after your period. They also mention that you can also get pregnant if you have never had a period before, during your first period and if it’s the first time you have had sex. The NHS argues that there is no ‘safe’ time of the month where you can have unprotected sex and not risk becoming pregnant.

To avoid pregnancy and catching STDs you should always practise safe sex. There is a wide variety of family planning methods available to you that can help protect you against sexually transmitted diseases and/or pregnancy. Condoms are the best way to be safe from both and do not require any planning in advance - apart from having them with you. Ladies can take the combined pill that regulates their periods and has a 99 per cent protection from pregnancy providing you take them correctly. There are more long term contraceptives available such as the IUD (intrauterine device) that once inserted into the body can protect a woman from pregnancy for between three and ten years. The IUD is over 99 per cent effective so it means that every year less than one in a hundred women become pregnant using it.
Ellie Hoe Profile
Ellie Hoe answered
For making love, all days of the cycle are safe. If you are asking about sex on your 5th day of menstrual period then it is safe because ovulation and menstruation don't occur simultaneously. So, from pregnancy point of view, sex during periods is safe.

Medically, it has also been proven that sex during menstruation neither harm male partner nor female. It is safe until female has some serious infection in the blood that can be transmitted to partner. But also remember, sex during periods can cause hormonal changes and early end of periods is possible.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
These is 3 days after my 5days period can I still get pregnant
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We have sex with my girlfriend fifth day during menstruation and shes only having spotted bleeding and I noticed that the spotted bleeding stops after not withdrawing my sperm. Is there any a possibility that she get pregnant?. Why that the spotted bleeding stops after?.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes.... It is possible to get pregnant at any time there is no safe period to risk it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Will I get pregnant after my last day of menstruation
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Maybe or maybe not. In rare cases women have gotten pregnant even if they had sex during their menstruation because the sperm can survive in the cervix for a few days and they can ovulate very early. Where a condom!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Safe for what? Do you mean, safe to have sex and not get pregnant? That depends on several things. The average woman ovulates on day 14 of her cycle, where day 1 is the first day of her period (not the last). The average woman is at least somewhat fertile for about four days before and one day after she ovulates. But many women ovulate earlier or later than this, so "safe" is a bit of a crap-shoot. That's why pregnancy prevention based on when you have sex (the rhythm method, natural family planning, etc.) is generally not as effective as using a condom or other forms of contraceptives.

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