Am I Pregnant?


5 Answers

Monica Stott Profile
Monica Stott answered
Obviously there are many ways for you to determine if you are pregnant. You can take one of several different kinds of home pregnancy tests or you could visit a doctor who can perform a more accurate blood test. These tests simply evaluate the level of hormones in your body, but here are 10 symptoms that you might be pregnant:

A majority of women experience nausea or what is known as morning sickness. This is common to most pregnancies and contrary to the name can happen any time of day.

The change in hormones can cause you to have headaches too. If you get headaches a lot, this symptom might not cause you to suspect any changes.

Some women experience dizziness and even fainting spells while pregnant because pregnancy usually causes a reduction in blood pressure.

One of the most notorious of all pregnancy symptoms is mood swings. Obviously this is caused by the hormone shifts, but pregnancy can also be stressful, tiresome, and sometimes frustrating, all of which can contribute to mood swings.

Because of the strain on the body, you might feel very fatigued while you are pregnant, even in the early stages.

Another of the most notorious pregnancy symptoms is strange food cravings.

Relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter can also be the result of the change in hormones. This can cause you to feel heartburn.

You might also feel constipated because the hormones slow down the movement of food through the digestive system.

Cramping, particularly in the uterine area, is common too. This is another result of hormone changes.

Spotting, the slight bleeding that is common to menstrual cycles, might also appear if you are pregnant.

As you can assess many of these symptoms are similar to those of a menstrual cycle, so you should definitely see a doctor if anything seems out of the ordinary.
Cassie Jones Profile
Cassie Jones answered
Those can be for sure signs of pregnancy. Although there are many other factors you need to consider. Your stress level and if you are eating or not can also make you periods late. If you don't start and began experiencing other symptoms such as breast tenderness, nausia, and  heart burn, you should get a pregnancy test taken. They are very enexpencive and are usually pretty effective. Just relax and see what happens. If this is your first sexual relationship it is usual to experience these symptoms and sometimes its all in our minds. Don't worry everything will work out just have faith. Good Luck!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Those are definately signs of your period, but can also be signs of a complication during pregnancy.  How late are you?  If you don't start, I would suggest taking a home pregnancy test.  Hope this helps. Good Luck
thanked the writer.
gabi morfin
gabi morfin commented
I'm like a few days late, but still its still not here.. Omg I'm only 15 I cant be pregnant not now.. I'm still in high school! How am I going to tell my family? And my boyfriend! Ah what am i going to do?!!!
I'm stressed out
Elisha Hildebrand Profile
Before I found out I was pregneat I was having cramps it can be growing cramps that feel like mestrusl cramps and I had discharge and was sick a lot not throwing up just dident feel well and I felt differnt then I ever felt before its a feeling you never thought you could have you'll know when your pregneat something inside you just says you are. I dident think I was I tryed to make every exucuse to say I wasent and I was so maybe its best if you don't get your period in the next few days to go down and buy a test it don't have to be a expenive one I got one from family dollar for only 4 and it worked. Anouther thing I want to say is not everyone has the same side effects when there pregneat everyones body is differnt
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should definatly do a test sweetie if nothing else it will put your mind at ease and then you can go from there. Good luck I hope you get the result you want.

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