I'm not due for period until june 20th and I have spotting, having headaches, and cramping for the past few days. I took 2 pregnancy test and it came back negative. I'm not sure what's going on could I still be pregnant??
I'm Having Mild Cramps And Spotting. My Period Is Not Due For Another Week. Could These Be Pregnancy Symptoms?
I'm kind of in the same situation. I'm 17 and had unprotected sex. I had intuition I was pregnant, I felt quite sicky & had abdominal cramps for a while, today on the 30/3/10 I started to experience light spotting, but along with abdominal cramps. Ive read that if you experience both you should contact your doctor, I don't really want to do that because I'm not to sure if I am pregnant or just starting my period early as I'm not due on till the 3/4/10. I don't fell I can speak to either of my parents because I'm unsure of there reaction. I'm going to leave it a little while longer before doing a HPT. If your situiation is simalar to mine, you proberly don't have anythngt to worry about, but I for one will be visiting to doctors if my syptoms get any worse. Good luck to you thou!:)
I am 25 years old and I want a baby more than anything and so does my husband. I am experiencing lower stomach and back cramps and I had my last period 22 days ago I am not due to start for 1 week could this be implantation bleeding
I am experiencing lower abdominal pain along with some light spotting... My last mens. Was 5/17/10 and I believe I started to ovulate on 5/31. I had unprotected sex on 5/28 could I be pregnant or is it too soon to know??? Someone please help
You may be pg bt you may also be worrying to much causing stress that can make you not have a period. I'm 18 and I'm suppose to start my period in 5 days I just started spotting I had cramps starting a few days ago and starting 2 weeks ago by breast were reallly sore could I be pg?
Light bleeding can be a sign of pregnancy, and the withdrawal method isn't very safe unless you really know what you're doing; so yes, there is a possibility. This list of early pregnancy signs may help you to decide if you're likely to be pregnant, but unless your period arrives soon you had better take a test as soon as possible. Best wishes.
I am having the same sort of thing, light stomach cramps,spotting,sore breasts and back pain and its been 6 days since I am experiencing this and my periods are due after 8 days so it is kindda odd , I spoke to my doc and she said its because my periods are due , I also got a bit of pimples that I get before menses .... Well I donot know what to decide....confused!!
Chances are you could be pregnant. Just take the test. You have nothing to lose
Hi, I am experiencing some abdominal cramping with little spots of blood on the tissue paper after urination.
I have had unprotected sex during the time I was ovulating.
I am sure I am normally a 28 day cycle however, spotting today, if this is a period would make me a 26 day cycle, which I have never been.
Anyone had spotting a couple of days before period due and found out there pregnant?
I have had unprotected sex during the time I was ovulating.
I am sure I am normally a 28 day cycle however, spotting today, if this is a period would make me a 26 day cycle, which I have never been.
Anyone had spotting a couple of days before period due and found out there pregnant?
It would appear that these are some of the symptoms of pregnancy. However, I would reference this site's list of pregnancy symptoms just to be sure. Also, if you find your period doesn't come soon, I would take a pregnancy test.