How Long Does Beer Stay In Your Body, For A Urinalysis Drug Screen To Detect?


16 Answers

Hannah Barton Profile
Hannah Barton answered
Beer stays in your body, on average, for one hour per unit.  One pint of beer is equivalent to two units, unless it is strong beer.  One pint of 5%-strength beer is 2.8 units.  6 beers would therefore stay in your body, on average, for at least 12 hours.

Alcohol is eliminated from the body by excretion and metabolism.  Most alcohol is metabolised, in a similar manner to food, and a smaller amount is excreted.  The rate that alcohol is metabolised depends on many factors.  These include your weight, age, sex, stress levels, metabolic rate, how much food you have eaten, the type and strength of the alcohol and whether you are taking any medication.  Liver function is also important. The liver can metabolise only a certain amount of alcohol per hour, regardless of the amount that has been consumed.  Heavy drinkers’ livers are often impaired and metabolise at a much slower rate than a healthy liver.

There is a test available called the EtG (Ethyl Glucuronide) test, which can detect alcohol in urine for up to 80 hours.  It is usually used to monitor alcohol consumption in individuals who are legally prohibited from drinking alcohol.  It is expensive and is unlikely to be used for a standard drug screen test.

Don’t be tempted to tamper with a urinalysis drug screen, for example by dilution.  Tests are often done to find out if the sample is legitimate and tampering will be deemed as having a positive result.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I spent five years in prision and I learned all the tricks of the trade to pass tests.  Yep flush,flush,flush.  Water flushes your system.  But be carefull some piss tests can show that your diluting your system and the test will come back as " diluted" so it may raise your boss or p.o's eyebrows.  Trick?  Drink creatien.  Now this will couver up your piss test but some tests will show that your hiding something.  But just say you work out and use it.  But in all reality
One beer an hour, flush and you'll be clean.  Be carefull of hard alcohol it takes a bit longer.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I drank a 6pack friday night at 10:30 at night till satday morning 4:15 the last drink wokeup at about 10:45 started to drink water pissed a lot had to take a you.A. Monday at 3:30 monday afternoon did I pass
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If I drink two 12 ounce beers, then eat and go to work how long does it stay in my system for a drug test.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Eating actually slows down absorbtion. It will therefore keep your BAL lower but the alcohol will take longer to completely leave your system.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How long does it take for alcohol to get out of your system to not show up on a urinalysis test
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chances are very good that Brookel failed that test. While he may have been able to walk a straight line & pass a breathalyzer, alcohol metabolites probably still showed in his urine.
The type & amount of alcohol, food consumed, drinkers age, wt, sex,  & different health factors all contribute to metabolism rate. Additional factors such as drugs (Nicotine, marijuana, OTC & prescription meds) that modify physical factors regulating gastric emptying also modify alcohol absorption. The liver can metabolize only a certain amount of alcohol per hour, regardless of the amount that has been consumed. The rate of alcohol metabolism depends, in part, on the amount of metabolizing enzymes in the liver, which varies among individuals. And the more you drink the slower your body's ability to metabolize. It may take one hour for one drink & two & a half hours for two drinks, ect. Sleeping also slows metabolism.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If I drink now I weight 270 and I drink 3 beers will I pass a pee test 3 to 4 days from now
ray of light Profile
ray of light answered
Alcoholic beer is excreted through liver. It is excreted @ one normal pack per hour. The excretion of alcohol depends upon water contents of the body. The light weight peoples absorb more alcohol than heavy weight with fat as alcohol is not soluble in fat. So more absorption and delay in excretion in less weight peoples. The complete elimination of beer will be after 3 days of single dose. So you will be positive for beer in urine on that day.
paul allen Profile
paul allen answered
The problem is that you people are asking about things that you probaly shouldnt be doing , then you turn around and ask a question on how to beat the system, at 150-185 pounds a 12 0z. Will be in you system 10-12 hrs, a 6 pack can take 17-28 hrs regardless how much you drink fluids, yet cranberry juice and garlic eats the beer enzymes quickly if you smoke cigs this will slow down at a rate of 33%, SO.IF YOU DRINK FRIDAY NIGHT (6PACK) by sunday afternoon you will be okay
Deborah Wacker Profile
Deborah Wacker answered
Alcohol stays at least 24 hours in the system, depending on how much you drink. You will be ok in 24 hours.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've heard that you'll pass if you emptied your bladder. If you drink it and pee it out then your clean =] marijuana on the other hand is different.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Depends  on   how much  you  drank
and   it  can  stay in your system
for  long  periods  of  time
Peoples  weight  has  a lot
to  do  with  how  one
handles  their  alcohol
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It totally depends on how much you drink, and how much water you drink, and your weight. If you just have one drink, six to eight hours, but if you drink a lot, up to three days.

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