Yes, and for some woman they loose their period for months because of stress
Yes stress can cause irregular menstrual cycles
I've been on my period for almost a month, but it is very light and on some days theres nothing at all. I'm assuming it is because of stress over the past 4 months, causing a hormonal imbalance. But should I be worried? = /
I have always had high levels of stress in my life. My cycle has never been shorter than 5 days. I have been charting my cycle for the past 2 years. My last regular-irregular cycle was April 1-5. The one that followed (the one I am concerned about) started off light attached with a weird pain (not my normal craps that go away with medicine). It started on the 26th and lasted till midday next day. I used tampons for those days and the majority of it was brown. On the 28th no period, no bleeding, no nothing. I waited till yesterday May 18th to take a pregnancy strip test that I got from Both tests came out negative. But if this last experience was a period my next period should come the weekend of May 21-23. So that is what I am waiting for. But normally by this time, I would be experiencing belly pain, bloating and irritability. I am not having any of this. Does anyone have any advice or insight to my situation?
I have just noticed that the last three periods have been pretty light and I wondered if it was due to stress. I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant! ; ) I am 37... Something I have noticed is that my periods get heavier if I lose weight!! Which is not very often but thought I d just throw that in!
Yes, stress can affect your period. It can delay it, it can lengthen or shorten it, or cause you to skip. However if this continues I would definitely ask my Dr.