It is very sad that you are in this situation. In my opinion a DNC would be the best option. It will ensure that none of the tissue remains and gives your body an effective cleanout. If you have had difficulty conceiving in the past, I would not take the medicine option as this will not guarantee everything comes away.
What Is Better Way Of Abortion, DNC Or Medicines And Whether We Should Take Chance Of Next Pregnancy Immediately Or Should We Should Give It Some Time ?
The one time that I had a mis hap the dr gave me the choice. I was only 3 weeks along and he said after that 3 week point that he would advise against the medicine as the chances of proper flushing of the system were not as good. I took the medicine and within a few hours there was a very strong cramping and I passed it into the toilet...gross. I could not even imagine how much worse it would be if I had been further along. I then had to go weekly for blood work and ultrasounds to ensure my body was flushing properly...thank god it did because bad infection can be caused. I would never go through it again. I would give your body plenty of time to heal after having either procedure.