Can You Bleed And Still Be Pregnant?


41 Answers

Shane Richardson Profile
It is very possible for you to bleed during pregnancy. Sometimes, bleeding during pregnancy is not a sign of trouble but most the time it can be. After conceiving, some women still experience vaginal bleeding so it is possible for a lady to bleed when she is pregnant. This can be especially shocking especially if you already know that you conceived. So what could be the possible causes of bleeding during pregnancy? 

For ladies who might not be aware that they have already conceived, bleeding during pregnancy may not be a cause for alarm especially if it’s experienced at the time when they are usually expecting their monthly period. Women are advised to seek the advice of a gynaecologist if they suspect that they are experiencing abnormal bleeding or bleeding during pregnancy .

The known causes of bleeding during pregnancy include:

Implantation of the fertilized ovum in the womb which may lead to spotting. Spotting is different from bleeding in that it is very light. This begins in the early days of pregnancy and sometimes may even go unnoticed. Not every woman experiences this spotting during pregnancy. Spotting is similar to what most women experience during the first and last day of their period. This may not be life threatening.

Miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies also cause bleeding during pregnancy. This conditions are usually life threatening but can be put under control if medical advice is sought early in advance.

Infections in the womb can also be a cause of vaginal bleeding. Some of the infections that could lead to bleeding include yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.

Placenta problems are also rated very high among the causes of vaginal bleeding in pregnant women. According to research, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is usually a sign that the pregnancy could be at stake even later on.

Its certain that you can bleed and still be pregnant due to this and more reasons. For any reason, if you think that you are pregnant and you continue to experience bleeding, you must see a doctor. For those who know that they are expectant already, you should look out for any bleeding or spotting and seek medical advice. Never assume anything when it concerns your life and that of you unborn baby.
Missy Profile
Missy answered
9 years ago when I was pregnant, I started to have some bleeding 3 months into my pregnancy, doc sent me for a sono to make sure everything was ok, turned out that I was having twins, so sure I think its possible to bleed while being pregnant.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
About the above statement, if you were having a ectopic pregnancy you would know it. It is very painful and you would be bleeding heavily. The reason they did not see anything on there scan is because it is way to early to see anything. Right now it is considered a zygote which is a cluster of cells forming into an embryo. From there it keeps multiplying until it becomes a fetus at 3 months along. You are ok as long as you are not bleeding heavily.
Ebony McCarthy Profile
Ebony McCarthy answered
Yes some women do bleed while they are pregnant, if you had sex recently you may be experiencing implantation bleeding which is the process of the baby attaching itself to your uterus to begin growth, get a test to be sure. You could just be having a tricky period.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I thought I might be pregnant and so I was waiting untill about 5 days before my period was due to take a test which would be tomorrow I was going to take it but then today I started to bleed but I normally get cramps a few hours before but this tme I didnt and it is not as heavy as normal. Could I still be pregnant and should I take a test and if so when :S help please
Stacie Banton Profile
Stacie Banton answered
YES YOU CAN STILL BE PREGNANT AND SEE YOUR PERIOD AT THE SAME TIME ,but do not worry too much some time your hormone which is a chemical in the body interferes with your cycles do a test to set your mind at rest.god bless
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Our bodies do strange things.  We can never really predict how they are going to react.  You could have been late due to diet, a change in exercise, weight loss or gain, or it could be hormonal changes causing you to be late.  According to your profile, you are still young.  When you are in your teens, your period will tend to be a bit irregular while your hormones are working themselves out.  I speak from used to drive me crazy, but it's normal.   If you did not have a positive pregnancy test, then I would say no, you are probably not pregnant.  Early pregnancy symptoms mimic many other differnt things as well.  Your stomach may feel hard because you're bloated from something you ate or drank.  Drink a lot of pop?  That could be a cause right there.  You could also be nauseous because of your diet.  If you are eating too many things that are not healthy for you, or just plain not eating enough, you can feel sick to your stomach.  And sometimes, if you're really wanting to be or are very worried about being pregnant, your mind can trick your body into thinking it is.  It happens all the time.  If you are really unsure about a pregnancy, then I would suggest you take a test.  Walmart has some for $4 or you could go to a crisis pregnancy center, they give them for free.  Good luck and I hope you find your answer soon
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By the sound of it .. You probably are pregnant!! Do more tests when your off .. Some of my friends had periods through there pregnancy ... Good luck!!
siomara colon Profile
siomara colon answered
I GUESS.I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive 3 days later I started bleeding, I went to the emergency room they took an ultrasound and they said they can't see anything that it could be early pregnancy then they say it could be an ectopic pregnancy, I really don't understand that.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A lot of women bleed while pregnant, but you need to get to the source of your bleeding so call your doc asap! Bleeding can be a miscarriage, or a low lying placenta, all sorts of stuff. It's not your true period, it might even be at the same time as your period, but not your actual period. Always tell your doc if something has changed. BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY! Good Luck!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I ask myself the same question everyday. I just found out that I was pregnant 2 weeks ago.. I'm 8 weeks according to my last period...I had sex on saturday then I started spottin on sunday...I went to the hosp and they told me they couldnt see anythin and that I must have miscarried....but when I did a follow up with my doctor 2 days later she told I was fine....about 3 hours after leaving her I started bleedin heavy and passin blood clots...I went back to the hpt level is still goin up and they still see my now I'm just wonderin if I'm still pregnant or not ...or am I in the process of  miscarry
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I bleeding heavy too.I think I preg about two week along took a test and it came out neg.mild cramps not so bad I don't know now what to do
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Am 3week pregant and bleed havey no cramp. Am scread out of mind I when to doc and do bleed work and show pregancy wat. Do now I
shelly baby Profile
shelly baby answered
Can I stll be pregnant if I'm on my period I'm suffering from a bad back and sore tender boobs and tummy cramps  can you help me want to no what it could be?
Brenda Rosas Profile
Brenda Rosas answered
I took a blood pregnancy test July 31 it came out negative, then I took a urine test August 8 and it came out positive. Now I know I'm pregnant!!! Anyways, I think you should see a doctor. Bleeding can happened when you are pregnant, but it could also be a miscarriage. Be careful and see a doctor!!good luck!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My "period" is not heavy like I am very frustrated.  HOw do you get a positive and then get your period?  (oh you....I am the one who asked this question to begin with...just so you all know who I am)  I even have the other symptoms...sore breasts, fatigue and very tired along with lower back pain.  HELP!
emma danish Profile
emma danish answered
Yes some women go on to have normal periods right the way through but say if you were in any pain and were passing clots you really should just go for a check up you don't mention how far on you are ,I'm assuming its not time for labour please just have a check up to be on the safe side
wendi baird Profile
wendi baird answered
Some women spot the first couple of months when they are pregnant. This is normal. If you start bleeding a lot then you should go see a Doctor. If the test came out positive then you probably are pregnant.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Today I started bleeding only for about 4 hours had some mild cramps and I stopped bleeding and cramping after 4 hours of me starting and it is way to early for my period. And me and my fiance have never had protected sex. Me and him had sex the day before my ovulation time so could I be pregnant?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm show I'm pregnant on 3 tests but ive been bleeding like a teaspoon of blood or less every 3-4 days can I still be pregnant or does that mean I'm losing the baby. To Early to go into a doctor to ask.
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
Yes you can bleed and still be pregnant at the same time. Spotting is the early sign of pregnancy and it is normal. But if you bleed heavily then it can be vaginal bleeding which is dangerous. You need to consult with the doctor for precautionary measures as this condition can lead to miscarriage.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well in nov I was 6 days late and took two preg test both were positive then 3 days later I was bleeding heavily and turns out I had a EARLY miscarriage, the doc said this happens to a lot of women and that if I hadn't tested I would never know I had a m/c, he said most women just think there having a late heavy period and there was no need for a d&c. Good luck to you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have had the symptoms of pregnancy for the last two weeks and then I was waiting to miss my period and then take a pregnancy test on the 20th but today I got some vaginal bleeding and it is not even time for my period to come it is not supposed to come till the 20th and it is the 15th. The bleeding is medium heavy and I was wondering if I could still be bleeding like this and still be pregnant and if I could what should I do and when should I take a pregnancy test to find out???
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You may have had whats called a blighted ovum, where you conceive but it doesn't fully take or implant due to chromosome abnormalities.
Mindy Kelley Profile
Mindy Kelley answered
I had a light period with all 3 of my pregnancies. It is ok... Do not worry. Unless you are bleeding A LOT... Hope this helps!
Deborah Wacker Profile
Deborah Wacker answered
Some women will have a light period and still be pregnant. If the bleeding gets heavy with clots then you should go see your GYN in case you would be having a miscarriage.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes you probably are pregnant I am 14 and I got my period and I am pregnant congrats!!! Mommy!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I personally think with any type of bleeding you should consult your OB. Some bleeding could mean infections or possible miscarriage. It depends on the severity of the bleeding. Either way it's not worth guessing and taking a chance. It may not be serious but it can't hurt to check. Also in the beginning around the time of implantation there can be light spotting. This normally happens around 7 or so weeks. I'm not expert but I have 3 children. Good Luck and hope this helps.
Shirley McLean Profile
Shirley McLean answered
That was either a false positive or you may have an ectopic pregnancy.  I would repeat the pregnancy test asap, and go from there.  If it still says "positive". Go to your ob/gyn.  If it says "negative" , the test was probably a false positive, or if your period was particularly painful, and heavy, you may have miscarried.  In that case, you should also go to our ob/gyn.  You may need a d & c.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sorry if you's don't want a guy here. But my girlfreind has just told me she might be pregnant. We last had sex in july. And she has been bleeding since then. Is it possible to have only just realised that she is pregnant as my head is spinning with different foughts. July was the last time I saw her too/ is it possible to have only just started to relies. :( please help.
thanked the writer.
Vampy Enchantress
Well it doesnt sound like a very close relationship to me if you havent had sex or even seen her since july and she is just now noticing she might be preg she is very unaware of her own body or not to be a downer or mess anything up if she is really early along and didnt notice but if you hadnt had sex since july she would be almost 4 months along at least so she should have noticed something before now and if you havent seen her for awhile you could question her faithfulness
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try getting a pregnancy test first. If you are pregnant, you really need to see a doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I did a clear blue test last monday n it said I was 1 -2 weeks I am now bleeding ??? Please help me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I havent got my period since oct 4 and its jan 8 my fist test said negitive and the second two said positive but I started light bleeding today but it stopped should I be worried?
krista green Profile
krista green answered
I recently had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on a Wednesday....saturday I started bleeding but I'm to early by sunday morning I started bleeding heavily...could I still be pregnant and twins run in his family...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I'm goin through the same  thing kinda. I took a pee test be for my period then it was negitive so I had sex tuesday then got my period which lasted for four days. Then I took a blood test too and it came out negitive too. But the problem is that I still think I'm pregnant. It that posible??
jo jo sunny Profile
jo jo sunny answered
I have been bleeding for the past 3 months, sometimes light and some times heavy, some times dark and sometimes very red, don't no wot this means...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I have been bleeding for the ;ast 6 or 7 weeks now I am scared to ask my doctor about!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I was 16 days over due (never been over due before) I had 2 negative hpt then I have had 1 negative blood test still nothing I did another hpt it was positive then I had done another 2 both the same I have been for 2 more blood test and they have come back equivalent meaning to early to tell I have done another 2 hpt with faint lines it is positive  I have started bleeding but only medium can some one please help me I am going to back to the doctors on monday for another blood test?
jabir isah Profile
jabir isah answered
Is not pls. Because ones you are pregnant nothing will decay in your uterus and no decayed oval in the uterus no bleeding.
ray of light Profile
ray of light answered
If your pregnancy test was positive and you got bleeding after 2 days of due date, it does not mean miscarriage. It means abortion. Miscarriage take place after 16 weeks of pregnancy. This is not 100% that you lost your baby, go for test again and it is still positive then immediately contact a doctor.

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