To gain muscle a person has to consume more food, protein, carbs, fats, nutrients, and vitamins than they need to get bigger and less overall calories if they wish to get leaner.
This of course is the main reason bodybuilders tend to "Bulk Up" in the off-season.
This means the individual will eat loads of calories in the hopes of gaining more muscle mass. The extra muscle gain is achievable but the individual also will experience a significant gain of fat in the process, oftentimes more than the muscle gains.
After the "Bulking Up" period the individual will usually want to "rip up" for summer or for a contest. Then they usually have to subject themselves to a rigorous training and restrictive diet for 3-6 months to get they’re body fat levels where the muscles are clearly defined.
The continual up and down Yo-Yo in weight gain plays havoc with the physical body not too mention the psyche of the individual. This generally accepted practice in bodybuilding has also led to the widespread use of drugs used by many athletes to bulk up or to get ripped. You can find more info on the proper way to go about all this here.