
How Girls Wear Stay Free With Video?


14 Answers

Charlie Proofer Profile
Charlie Proofer answered
Although your question is not very clear, I think I am able to understand that you are asking for instructions on how to wear StayFree pads? For a young girl who has just started their periods, or someone who hasn’t started but is suspecting they might, knowing exactly how to wear a pad can be a bit confusing.

Starting your period for the first time is nothing to be ashamed of, as every single girl on the planet goes through it at some point during their life. And although your mother may have told you to come to her if you have any questions, you can feel quite embarrassed. So here is a guide on how to wear pads best.

First of all, although it may sound silly, you need to pick the best underwear. Girl boxers are not really the best support for a pad as they can cause it to fold in on itself or slip sideways. The best ones for you are going to be brief style ones with a flat middle so the pad can sit comfortably.

Once you have your box of pads, take one out and remove the outer packing. Unfold the pad and peel off the back sticker. Stick this down firmly into your underwear. If it has wings, peel the sticker off and fold them down either side of your underwear. These are the best type to buy as they make the pad more secure.

You will need to remember to change the pad every couple of hours or so depending on how heavy your flow is. If you are scared of leaking, try wearing a pair of girl boxers over the top to give you that extra peace of mind and comfort.

If you have any further questions about periods or puberty in general then please don’t be scared to go to your mother. Although it may be embarrassing, remember that she has gone through the same herself and knows exactly how you will be feeling.

The question you are asking is fairly ambiguous, based on the type of Stayfree product you are talking about and the type of video you require for the subject.

Stayfree is a brand of feminine hygiene products that includes liners, napkins, tampons and feminine wipes that all aid in making the menstruation process more comfortable.

There will not be many, if any, instructional videos on how to apply these products and wear them yourself. The best piece of advice if you are looking to start wearing feminine hygiene products is to speak to a parent, doctor or health teacher or professional about feminine hygiene and the products that would best suit you.

These people may also be able to help you to understand more about why feminine hygiene products are needed. There are some videos online that tell you more about Stayfree as a brand and this may be useful in helping you to understand what Stayfree products do and what they are used for.

For example, the Stayfree website ( has a video on its home page that may be of use. It also has information about the products you may be looking at. This is also not the first time that Blurtit has seen a question similar to this and the answer is given here:

This question may be of some use to you as it will give you a guide as to how you can apply Stayfree napkins yourself. The important thing to remember is that this is a very natural process and it is not wrong to have questions on the subject.

Speaking to someone more medically aware will help you to understand the process more thoroughly. Such professionals deal with questions such as this on a regular basis and will be more than happy to help.

There are probably a number of reasons so many girls have made videos with bras and stay free pads.

For instance:

• Some girls may not have a mom or older sister to ask about sanitary pads. Or maybe they feel a bit embarrassed asking about it so they like to see videos where other girls their age can give them advice on what to choose. They can then figure out what type of pads would be the best suited for their needs without having to ask mom or anyone else for help.

• Getting your first period is a very scary time for many teenagers so having videos where other girls share their experiences about how to wear stay free pads and what to expect can be comforting.

• It is estimated that more than half of all women in the USA are not wearing the right kind of bras or are wearing the wrong size. By having videos with other girls talking openly about what bras to choose and how to find out your correct size, this makes the initially daunting prospect more accessible.

• These types of video that offer help and advice on things every girl needs to know appeal to loads of teenagers. They can then ask more questions and share their own tips after watching the videos. In a way, this creates a type of sisterhood where everyone helps each other out.

Stay Free is a name brand of feminine sanitary napkins.  Wearing Stay Free pads is basically the same as ‘putting a band aid on your panties centered in the crotch’.  There are detailed instructions in every package.  Young women should take the time to read the instructions on any changed or new product she uses.  Each product is made with different materials and chemicals or additives and any one of which can cause irritation and other allergic reactions. 

There are many different forms of pads now.  Some come with wings and are available in differing shapes, sizes and specialties.  There are even Thong pads for those that just can’t show a panty line, ever!  For young women, it’s always better to have a female around that you can trust like a Mom or a favorite Aunt.  They can help you in narrowing your choices and ease many of your fears while clearing up some serious misconceptions.  You could also ask the nurse at school or the doctor’s office to help you out if you are more comfortable there.  You need the knowledge and should get it from a reputable and trusted source. 

Women dealing with their menstrual cycle are generally miserable and will get someone else to go to the store whenever possible.  Many are unaware of the massive selections of feminine products available to them until the time they actually need to purchase them.  Men, if the woman you are shopping for is specific about what she wants, pay attention the first time, it will save you precious minutes of staring at the sea of available products.  All the while you are trying to remember what she said while trying to not be seen by anyone you know. You grab something in desperation and then having to go back because you bought the wrong thing. Now have to sleep on the couch as punishment.  Tip: Ladies, take a picture of the package and send it with them, you KNOW it will help, and they are being nice.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The question you asked is not very clear. Do you mean 'how to wear stay free pads with video instruction?' You may find the following video helpful.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Take the pad and place the sticky part on your underwear. Replace it every two hours.
Justin Darkly Profile
Justin Darkly answered
Stayfree is something you will deal with later on. It basically just keeps you clean and protects your clothes from spots. I don't really want to get too detailed.
Selene Garcia Profile
Selene Garcia answered
So we don't leak
Muhammad Nadeem Profile
Muhammad Nadeem answered
Because it is established brand with very strong positioning. That is why girls prefer this during periods.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Remove the sticker and place firmly onto the inner surface of the panty. Using the wings secure the pad around the panty

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