
Is Turkey Ham Allowed On The HCG Diet?


2 Answers

lakeesha Hennessy Williams Profile
Turkey itself is a perfectly good option on the HCG diet, although the brand of turkey ham you're thinking of eating might make a difference.

I'd recommend checking how many calories your particular turkey ham contains, and seeing whether that will eat away into your daily calorie limit.

Turkey ham and the HCG diet As far as white meat goes, turkey is actually quite lean. But you'll often find that deli meats like turkey ham are reconstructed from all the parts of a turkey that didn't make it into the prime cuts (I'm not even going to mention what parts).

For this reason, I'd recommend double checking the nutritional information that should be printed on the label of your turkey ham.

If you're well into the HCG diet, you shouldn't be consuming any more that 500 calories a day.
It is only during the first two days of the diet that you should be consuming any more that that.

How the HCG diet works The HCG diet is supposed to work by combining a low-calorie intake with hormone injections that are meant to affect how your body processes the food you eat.
Keeping to the strict 500 calorie limit that the diet requires is crucial if you want to see results.

I'd recommended eating freshly cooked turkey (preferably boiled) as opposed to turkey ham as turkey ham is processed and therefore more likely to have a higher salt content.

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