Acupuncture is a miracle like science. My guru Prof Dr Anton Jayasuriya was greatest teacher of acupuncture.Though it is believed that height can not be increased after certain age,
It is possible to increase height of any person of any age up to 60
years with acupuncture method found out by Prof Dr Anton Jayasuriya. The
initial height increase of half centimeter may happen within three
minutes.please see demonstration videos in healersupreme channel of
youtube to learn about this amazing method.
Any acupuncturist can do this treatment.
It is possible to increase height of any person of any age up to 60
years with acupuncture method found out by Prof Dr Anton Jayasuriya. The
initial height increase of half centimeter may happen within three
minutes.please see demonstration videos in healersupreme channel of
youtube to learn about this amazing method.
Any acupuncturist can do this treatment.