
How Can A Father-to-be Support His Partner During Early Pregnancy?


3 Answers

Yooti Bhansali Profile
Yooti Bhansali answered
The father also plays a pivotal role during the pregnancy period. Just as it takes two people to conceive a baby, it takes two people to care for it after conception as well. Generally fathers to be find themselves lost in the ninth month long period of pregnancy. After all one might say, what does a man have to do with shopping for baby clothes and breast pumps and arranging baby showers? Everything. For the expecting mother, it means a lot for her to know that her husband is there by her side at all times.

Even though the father cannot share the physical burden of the baby, he can at least lend emotional support to the mother in many different ways. Start by learning and understanding the process through which the pregnant mother is going through. Only by taking an active part can you be instrumental in your baby's development right from its conception.
Gillian Smith Profile
Gillian Smith answered
One of the things to do is to reassure the expectant mother that he loves her and finds her attractive.
The early stages of pregnancy can make women feel sick and uncomfortable. Support is very important and both partners are going through a lot emotionally as well as the woman's physical changes.
Sometimes being able to sit down and rest is all a woman wants and if her partner can look after her and pamper her a bit that's great.
Going along to the doctor and antenatal clinic and classes is a great support as then both partners can get an understanding of what pregnancy, childbirth and baby care is about.
Knowing that a partner really cares and is supportive is very important to a newly pregnant woman as it makes her feel special and secure.
Angela S. Profile
Angela S. answered
All of the above is GREAT answers help her with chores if need be don't be upset if she doesn't feel like doing housework/chores or even if she doesn't feel like being intiment sometimes in the early pregnancy,you can have really bad morning sickness. So just go to the appointments with her,be affectionate with her.

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