Can A Toddler Get High?


8 Answers

I had an "acquaintance" once, long ago in high school who was pregnant & smoked pot to relieve her morning sickness, then while in labor to alleviate the pain.  Hence the baby was born & appeared to be fine, from a physical standpoint.  Then the baby started teething & this "mother" would rub cocaine on the baby's gums to make the baby stop crying.  I witnessed the latter of said events and refused to ever go near her.  I ran into her 5 yrs. Later, I now had my own husband, child & responsibilities.  My son was 2 yrs. Old  & was walking & talking & starting to potty-train...her 5 & 1/2 yr. Old still wore nappies, sucked a bottle & could not form a complete sentence.    I hope this answers part of your question...♥
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Wowie to you too thank you :) experience is better than opinion any day. Feel sorry for the poor child though..
Phoebe MadHat Profile
Phoebe MadHat answered
They are more at risk for side effects and dangerous results than adults, seeing as they are smaller and have smaller, weaker organs. It shows up quite strong in infants and small children. I don't give a crud what people do to their own bodies, but it absolutely enrages me when someone harms a child like that,  even with secondhand smoke, and calls it a "right to do whatever they feel like". You have a child, you get responsibilities.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I agree. I support legalization of Marijuana... but people should never smoke it in the presence of children. I also believe people should not drink in the presence of children. If ya want to party your a** off, go for it... send the kids to the baby-sitter first.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If my dog can get high from second-hand smoke,or tipsy from lapping up spilled beer, then of course a tot can get high!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Um, YES A TODDLER CAN GET HIGH!!!  And the side effects are the same if an adult gets hight (or simaler).  They can be tested to see is they inhaled it and can be tested for THC too.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
This is correct, and it can get high from second-hand exposure if the density in the air is high enough. It is what is referred to as a "contact high".
Denise Knutter Profile
Denise Knutter answered
My question to you is what is a toddler doing being around someone smoking pot?  What is wrong with people today. If you want to party, I agree with BillZBub's comment, get a babysitter or better yet, why don't you wait and relive your high school years after the kids are raised. I have nothing against people smoking, just be smart enough not to do it around anyone that isn't old enough to have a say so if they want to be around it.
thanked the writer.
lisa commented
The reason I asked this question is, my soon to be ex-husband has supervised visitation on the weekends for 3 hours and my ex and his cousin smoke it out on the back porch,and my 2 year old son is out there wandering around it. I have let authorities know about this, and we have been to court for it and the courts and DCF has drug tested him, not randomly,but everytime he had his visitation set at DCF, and he passed the drug test. But we live in a county where authorities don't take everything seriously, they are just there for the$$$$$$$$. So when my ex would take a drug test at DCF, he could have put anything in his urine to pass the test, because noone would be in there to witness him taking the test. My caseworker would say there was not another male in the office to witness. And sometimes he would tell the case worker he could not or did not have to use the bathroom at the time, and she still allowed him to visit with the baby. And he knew that everytime he had visitation at DCF they were gonna test him, so he had time to take cover up pills, and a lot of H2O.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is very sad....seriously....what has the world come to.....the child CAN DEFINITELY get HIGH....and this is not a fun party joke you can show your friends, this is VERY serious. Do you know that the child could actually also become addicted to stuff like that. Seriously, if you are a parent, ANY FORM OF DRUGS should be avoided and the use of it around children should not even be considered. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN peeps.
Chris ???? Profile
Chris ???? answered
In fact, yes they can. They are more susceptible than adults because they are younger and thus can travel through blood stream faster. It can easily get into their system so keep the child away from the smoke. Remember to stay safe.

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