It's possible. Your chart won't be able to tell you though unless you've already missed a period. It's not an exact science, but it can clue you in on what your body is doing. When you get pregnant, you will usually have what is called a triphasic chart. This is when you'll have three levels of temps on your charts. Just as your temp goes up for the ovulation, your temp will go up again for your pregnancy, but usually not until around when your period is due. Here's an example...
Checking My Temperature Since My Ovulation Day And It's Been 98.2 And Higher, Does This Mean I Conceived?
Temperature measurement does nor predict pregnancy. One technique called basal body temperature (BBT) can predict ovulation with 43% accuracy. This temperature is measured by special thermometer called BBT thermometer. Temperature measurement time is in the morning before getting up from the bed. Tip of the thermometer is inserted in side the anus and reading is measured. Temperature measurement is started after the periods or from 7th day of period. On the day of ovulation, a rise of one degree in temperature is expected. So, temperature measurement does not predict pregnancy but BBT can predict ovulation with 43%accuracy.