Can I Die From Smoking Cigarettes?


12 Answers

n/a n/a Profile
n/a n/a answered
I think it depends a lot on what you agree with. People can believe and agree to get sick. Believe it or not.

What researchers are finding from major centenarian studies is that there
  is hardly anything in common among these people. They have high cholesterol
  and low cholesterol, some exercise and some don‘t, some smoke, some don‘t. Some
  are nasty as can be, some nice and calm. But, they all have relatively low sugar for their age, and they all have low
  triglycerides for their age. And, they all have relatively low insulin.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes you can die from smoking. Even though you only smoke once, the ash from the cigarettes will go into your lungs and when it stays there long enough it will start developing into cancer. Once it has developed, it will start eating into your lungs and cause lung cancer, resulting in death.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes you can die from smoking and not only that but others can die by just smelling your smoke and that is not the only bad thing it can also give you bad breath, yellow teeth,and lots of other things.i think it can even give you cancer and maybe even other diseases
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes you could you should never take them they might look cool but their really bad for you. And can you can die from them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No ... You just keep on lighting up. We need your tax dollars. Just make sure you have really good health insurance when you end up having to smoke through a hole in your neck.
Faith Bledsoe Profile
Faith Bledsoe answered
Yes you can die. Not only can you die put others can to. An if you ae smoking around young ones, thats taking away there life to.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It does shorten your life. No matter what your beliefs are the effect will still be the same. It will harm your body a lot. Would you rather have a healthy lifestyle with no problems or do you want to feel the pain of the smoke for the rest of your life.
Offcourse you can die due to smoking because you can imagine that one standard pough of cigarette has enough nicotine which can cause chest and throat cancer also you should be aware that nicotine is used to kill insects like ants. You can notice when the nicotine is poured on the ants they become instgated for some time and then die just after some quick movement. Exactly in the same way the cigarette acts on your brain if you caryy on smoking then you will also feel that you are not taking proper interest in your daily work so please quit it if you smoke for your life ?????
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are so many gidden chemicals in ciggerattes we had a film on it in school its pretty much a slow miserable death

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