I Have A Bad Slouching Problem. I Was Wondering If Anyone Would Have Any Advice To Help Me Avoid Slouching. It's Hard For Me To Sit Up Straight Because I Just Go Back To My Slouch Position. Can Anyone Give Me Some Advice?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hello slouching is a big problem for many people but the thing about slouching is you don't know you are doing it until your back starts to tingle. Many people especially young people slouch to accommodated their activity but in the long run it will do more damage than good. When you catch your self slouching quickly strengthen up in a up right position for ten seconds and repeat this every fifteen second until you get in the habit of doing it this will allow you to correct the problem daily and before you know it you will find yourself setting up right all the time.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate.  I had the same problem-it just takes a lot of effort. Correct yourself when you realize you're slouching again, over and over over. Eventually you'll be OK but you have to concentrate on it.  Ask your friends and family to point it out to you, too-that helps.  Good luck!
Billy  Hayes Profile
Billy Hayes answered

In general, exercise helps after a while. You can eliminate the sources. For some it's handheld games or staying on a phone constantly.

Maria Profile
Maria answered
USE YOUR WILLPOWER AND CONCENTRATE!!! Also, it would really help if you asked your friends or family to keep in mind that you slouch, so that they will tell you when you slouch...that helps! I do it :)

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