You could be late or it could just be too early to test. I would wait a few days and then retest. The best time to test is in the morning with your first urine it is less diluted so it can catch that hormone. You could have just ovulated later in the month. To be for sure you could go to the doctor and have them run an hcg quant blood test that will give you an exact number. Anything over 2 you are pregnant. That would show up now and would give you a definate answer. If you take a yes or no blood test at the doctor it could still come out negative and you could still be pregnant just that it is too early to detect that hormone. I have been there. So if you do go in ask for the hcg beta blood pregnancy test. Cost around $50.00 but if you want to know for sure now. Takes about an hour to get the results back. Make sure they tell you the number if you do it. Good luck.
I am three days late on my period I have had some signs of pregnancy but don't know for sure if I am pregnant home test not showing up
First thing do freak out. Make appointment with your doctor before your 100% sure and tell your partner the possibly of it. Just because a pregnant test is negative still see you doctor.