How can I stay in shape ? I am not fat or anything. I would just like ideas on how I can eat better and what exercises I can do to keep me fit. Thank you!
It doesn't sound like you are doing too much wrong just as you are. Of course it's always wise to keep an eye on what you are eating and as far as exercise goes, you can find plenty of free advice on the Internet. A light exercise program of 20-30 mins 3 times a week will keep you in good physical condition without overtaxing you.
Hey Izzy :)
If you're trying to get rid of certain eating habits, take it a bit at a time...Don't try to change everything at once as that can be overwhelming!
Just working on for instance..changing breakfast...making breakfast more healthy...then once you find that is easy to manage, move onto lunch...and then finally dinner.
I'd like to share an eating strategy with you that works for me, and that is intermittent fasting.
You fast for 14-16 hours then eat all your meals in the remaining window. This not only burn more fat during the hours you're not eating, but helps you to better adhere to the diet as you don't feel you're dieting quite as much as you feel more full for the hours you are eating.
During the fast you can have coffee, just keep the calories you add to it (milk/sugar) below 50.
Also, here are some other ideas for what you could be eating:
-Soups (do a good job of filling you up and are only 200-300 calories for the whole can)
-1/2 cup of Oatmeal + fruit + handful of nuts (the nuts contain fat...adding a little fat to each meal helps with feeling full)
-6-8oz chicken/fish + veggies & cheese
If you have a favorite kind of food, like pizza or tacos, try and find healthy recipes for the same food online and use them as substitutes...
It will take time to get rid of your addictions to your old foods, but stick to your new way of eating a bit at a time and it will become easier and easier to eat healthy.
Oh and as far as cardio 3 times a week for at least 20 your way up over time to 5-6 times a week for 30-45 minutes.
For exercises...if you have access to a gym, lift weights...and lift heavy weights. If you go too light, you won't break down your muscle as much and you won't get that lean/toned look.
You won't get too muscular all of a sudden doing this I know that is a concern a lot of women have, but it just doesn't happen that easily...especially when you're focused on losing some weight!
Just educate yourself more on all of this and implement what you learn :)
I'm not fat either. I like to get out of the shower, put some clothes on, and exercise. You should try to eat alot of fruits and vegetables and exercise 20-30 minutes a day. Trust me I am really fit. I like to start with sit ups, crunches, jumping jacks, planks, push ups, and a run..Every once in a while I like to use my treadmill. I go to the gym with my trainer. My husband is in fit. I have 2 children I make sure eat healthy. So every one in my house is fit and healthy. Good Luck
Work out, keep away the junk food and have a healthy diet.