It depends if you are just trying to gain pounds, or if you're looking to bulk up, and build muscle.

Exercise is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, so I wouldn't recommend stopping completely, even if you are trying to gain weight. The important thing is to choose the right sort of exercise, and combine it with the right diet.
In order to gain weight you will need to make sure you consume more energy than you burn. Foods that are high in fat, protein and carbohydrates are usually good choices calorie-wise. But again, think about your body's general health. Don't just eat cake and donuts or you'll feel sluggish and increase your chances of heart disease.
In terms of exercise, you should avoid fat burning cardio exercises like running and cycling, and stick to weight based exercises that will build muscle. This usually means starting by lifting weights you are comfortable with, as part of a work out routine, and gradually increase the amount you are lifting.
Before you know it, your muscles will have expanded after getting used to the heavier load, and you will be showing off those bulging biceps!

To get into the right work out routine, I would recommend speaking to a trainer at your gym, who will help you build up a personalised workout routine based on what you want to achieve. There are a lot of websites and articles out there about which workout routine and diet you should be on - but speaking to someone in person is a much better option.
- If you're signing up to a gym, they will be able to instruct you about the specific machines you should be using more often - and most of the time your first consultation will be free anyway!
- People are different. You'll be able to bulk up much quicker if you're on a routine that's tailored and tweaked to your body, diet and the amount of time you actually have available. Speaking to a personal trainer will help you put together a work out plan that fulfils these requirements.