Homeostasis is a medical and a biological term. It refers to a very important state of the body where there is an optimal balance of mental and physical well being. It is an inherent tendency among the living beings and when it is not maintained leads to adverse symptoms in the body. It is best explained as the effort taken by the body to resist illness and to defend its weakest areas which helps to restore natural body balance.
Habitual and regular physical exercise is not just a recreational activity and is also important as a therapeutic tool and a preventive medicine. It helps in maintaining homeostasis because physical training enhances tissue antioxidant defences which in turn assist in keeping the body and mind healthy and active. But excessive and wrong physical activity can also cause side effects like oxidative stress and have an opposite effect to the desired result.
Habitual and regular physical exercise is not just a recreational activity and is also important as a therapeutic tool and a preventive medicine. It helps in maintaining homeostasis because physical training enhances tissue antioxidant defences which in turn assist in keeping the body and mind healthy and active. But excessive and wrong physical activity can also cause side effects like oxidative stress and have an opposite effect to the desired result.