
I Am 14 And Weigh 20 Stone Am I Overweight ?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes. 14 years old and you weigh 240 lbs (I think I have the conversion right, 14 lbs to one stone).

This is not healthy. BUT do not crash diet, I suggest you adapt a "You are what you eat" Gillian McKeith diet, Mostly veg, some fruit and lean proteins, and be active for an hour a day. No fried! No Sweets! No take away! If you want it, you can do it.. Just know it took you years to put this on, it will not come off quick. Reward yourself with NON food treats when you make your mini goals.. And try and enlist your friends to join you with your weight loss. Finally, make sure you eat EVERY 2-4 hours, small meals to keep your fat burning going all day long.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yeah your overweight but just take things a day at a time cut out sweets and crisps your still young so don't crash diet remeber its just as unhealthy to be a size zero and six stone as it is to be 20 stone both is very unhealthy you must go to your doctor who will send you to a nutritionist who will work out a correct diet sheet for you a hope you lose some weight with that you will gain more confidence with every pound you lose and youl look fab just be carefull you don't take your diet to exteme.

Good luck xxxx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Am I fat ... I weigh 20 stone at the age of 14
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yeah what is a stone and are you male or female?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I read somewhere about this sumo wrestler that was 14 and 20 stone and she was pretty big but I am not sure what stone is
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey I'm 16 and weight 20stone but everybody says I'm really pretty and I want to loose 8stone in 3months do you think I can do it!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When I was 16, I was 20 stone, and went on a diet and lost 7 stone. However, I did crash diet and started to eat only one weight watchers meal per day, and drinking a lot of water and that was it... But that took a lot of determination. [I did lose a stone in 2 weeks though]. I wouldnt suggest doing that though.
However, I wouldnt suggest going to the doctor and doing it that way either. You can do it on your own. The more you have to lose, the suggest it is, and the longer you do it for, the easier it is.
As you are 20 stone, you could start be only eating three meals a day, and nothing more. Then cutting down your portions and so on.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 14 and I weigh 9.1 and I think I'm  big..  But it really does depend on your build? Boob size .. Because mine are really big and I think that takes up a lot of my weight. And I have really long hair to x
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No offence but you should seriously lose some weight. Try going on a diet or exercising regularly.
thanked the writer.
Dan lee
Dan lee commented
Yea he's obese nearly morbidly obese his bmi is 41 mines 26 I am 12 and 139 ibs I am very overweight
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes you big fat arse you should have asked this question when you hit 13 stone not 20.

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