
I Have Felt Constipated Ever Since I Took The Plan B, Is This Normal?


4 Answers

Amanda Profile
Amanda answered
Other women have experienced that feeling after taking Plan B. It's a real shock to the system. I do not advise against using laxatives or even tea that claim to "naturally cleanse you system" because they are almost as shocking to the digestive system as Plan B is to the reproductive system. I suggest eating a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and yogurt for a snack or with a meal everyday until you feel normal again, but these food help with regularity at anytime, not just during constipation or diarrhea. Feel better : )
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have had constipation ever since I took the pill. I would NEVER recommend it to anyone!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I experienced constipation and severe pain afterwards, almost like gas or something. I was shaking and it was hard for me to walk. I also got my period a day after taking the pill so the cramps were terrible. Avoid caffeine because that only makes it worse.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm constipated because iv'e got uncooked bacon up my ring

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