
How To Increase Y Chromosome In Sperm?


12 Answers

James Milford Profile
James Milford answered
Many men wonder how to increase the Y chromosome count in their sperm - they want to do this in order to amp up their chances of conceiving a boy with their partners. Truthfully, there is no proven method for increasing Y chromosomes in sperm - for example, eating certain foods in an attempt to get more Y chromosomes simply won’t work. There are many myths about Y chromosome production - in the end, whether or not you conceive a male fetus with your partner is largely up to chance. However, there are some techniques you can try that may improve the odds of conceiving a boy with your spouse.

While most scientists feel that Y and X spermatozoa move at the same rate of speed, others believe that Y chromosome sperm can actually "swim” faster. If Y sperm really do move more quickly, there are certain sexual positions that may help them win the race to fertilize an egg. These positions will be deeply penetrative, so that ejaculation takes place very close to the cervix.

Some doctors recommend abstaining from sexual contact for several days prior to your partner’s optimum ovulation phase. This way, sperm will be stored up in larger numbers. When you are ready to try and conceive a child, choose a sex position that is particularly penetrative, such as the male entering the woman from behind - this sort of position may be a good way to up your chances of conceiving a male child. However, nothing is guaranteed to produce the result you want - you may conceive a girl no matter which methods or positions you try.

Technology is sometimes used to boost the chances of conceiving a boy - for example, many fertility clinics offer a service known as "sperm spinning”. In this procedure, sperm are separated, washed, and tagged according to their X or Y chromosomes. This service costs several hundred dollars - however, it will increase the odds of conceiving a boy (or a girl, if you want a daughter) from about 50 percent to 60-65 %. As you can see, even the highest levels of medical technology cannot really boost Y chromosomes in sperm.
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Jaspreet Singh
Jaspreet Singh commented
We can't increase y chromosome, but can be activate within 2-3 months. 100% sure.
Contact me at
Jaspreet Singh
Jaspreet Singh commented
Last year on 6th January 2016 I leave a comment on this question. Many peoples of different locations ask me about to activate the y chromosome bearing sperms.

Here I want to tell you that every male (humans) person has equal count of Y chromosome bearing sperms and X chromosome bearing sperms. No one can increase or decrease the count of particular chromosome.

But we know that alkaline reaction in semen is harmful to X bearing sperms and acidic reaction is harmful to Y bearing sperms. Acidic reaction destroy the y bearing sperms and it also increase the count of pus cell. So, this reaction reduce the count of Active Y bearing sperms and increase the dead y bearing sperms.

There are some herbs which increase the sperm count and motality. Some herbs balance the pH scale (acidic /alkaline). Some herbs reduce the pus cell. Some herbs keep the human balls cool.
And I know a unique formula of these herbs.

But it is my request to all please don't ask me about this formula. I can't give this to any person.

Jaspreet Singh,
13th June 2017.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Today is my 10 day of my period ,I want to conceive I will have intercourse on 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th & 18th & 20th day can I have a baby boy
to increase y chromosome what man has to drink or eat
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Today is my 5 day of my period ,I want to conceive I will have intercourse on 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th & 14th & 16th day can I have a baby boy
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Have lot of onions with your meal or just eat onions in salad as onion is considered to be the best for increasing semen in male and also it increases Y chromosomes in male to make women pregnant with male fetus in womb....its natural and have no side effects......
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No. You have to wait until ovulation to have intercourse so you can conceive baby boy. Or after ovulation, not before.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I'm 17 yrs old and on the day I ovulated had unprotected sex with my boyfriend I was almost positive I was pregnant because my period was late by 3 days but on the 3rd day I got it...can I still be pregnant?
aileeny Profile
aileeny answered
You cannot increase the Y chromosome in your sperm. !  I quess you mean how do you increase the numbers of Y bearing sperm and decrease the numbers of X bearing sperm ( same thing, some might think) . Well this can only be done in a lab. By only transferring the Y bearing sperm into the female following separation of both types.   But then we are into  the big subject of designer babies. There are certain hours during ovulation when changes in the mucus are more favourable to Y bearing sperm. It is complex but why not love what happens naturally?  After all some couples cannot have either sex. Count your blessings.
Kaylee Green Profile
Kaylee Green answered
You have an equal number of Y chromosomes and X chromosomes. I don't think anything will increase a certain gene.
wilbert u can call me sue Profile
There have been many debates on position and so on, but you are most likely to produce a female if you abstain for a period of time, rather than more often. The more sex, the more likely a boy as sperm gets tired. Not the individual sperm, but the production of it

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