Personally with my Daughter I had implantation bleeding. Which continued for 4-5 weeks. Due too at my early scan there was a small blood clot just above where my baby implanted. Which then I had small clots pass around when I was 7 - 8 weeks pregnant. She is now a healthy 9 month old.
When I was pregnant with my first child I had implantation bleeding about 10 days after conception. It lasted for 2-3 days and was light pink / brownish. I had a few small stringy, dark red spots too which was scary. I thought they may have been tiny clots. Thankfully all was well. This time around, I am almost 7 weeks pregnant and am experiencing some bleeding which my doctor thinks may be implantation bleeding or post intercourse bleeding. I have had it since May 11th (I was 6 weeks and 2 days) and it is lighter than my period. I had an internal ultrasound done and they saw the baby's heartbeat which I was thrilled about. On May 14th I had blood drawn to monitor my hCG levels and am waiting to hear back. I am anxious to find out what is happening because this spotting is scary. It has lasted for 5 days and has been accompanied by light back pain (just today). All other early pregnancy symptoms are still here but I cannot wait for this spotting to stop. If something like this has happened to you then please share your story. Thank you.
No, implantation bleeding is always in the form of few drops and does not last for more than one day. It occurs 7-10 days before expected date of periods. You should also know that this type of bleeding is not present in every lady. Very few ladies in this world can have this type of bleeding. Some ladies also have mild pain at this time. Blood clots are not feature of implantation bleeding.