HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, and is a hormone that is only produced during pregnancy. One of the things that it does is to make sure that the growing baby receives all the nutrients that it needs to be healthy by making use of fat that is stored in the mother’s body. It is this hormone that makes sure that even if a woman suffers from excruciating morning sickness for months on end, the baby does not suffer.
It was discovered in the 50s that small amounts of HCG can help with weight loss in both men and women, and the hormone is usually given by injection on a daily basis, though there are some companies who claim that HCG drops are just as effective.
Apparently, if used in conjunction with a calorie-controlled diet, participants are able to survive on their stored fat and, because metabolism is affected, they are burning between 3,500 and 4,000 calories a day. The downside to this is that when they say calorie-controlled, the regime can be intense. Only 500 calories a day is allowed, and even that is strictly tied up with particular foods, with many being banned outright. For example, you are allowed two pieces of fruit a day to snack on, but your choices are limited to apples, oranges, strawberries or half a grapefruit. Bananas and grapes are also strictly forbidden because of their high sugar and starch levels.
You are also expected to partake in some light exercise, and its advocates (usually the companies selling HCG) say that you will feel healthy, relaxed and full throughout your diet.