If you do not eat healthy food your body will get fatter quicker and you will clog up your arteries. You are more liable to diabetes, your extra weight can cause mobility and breathing problems. Your quality of life will not be so good and you are liable to die earlier.
It will cause some illness, even will have cancer, so eating healthy food is important and doing some exercises as well.
It is possible to eat terribly and nothing will happen but it is commonly known that an unhealthy diet can lead to a unhealthy death.
If you do not eat healthy food you will be bigger then you were and you will be more likely to get diabetes and have serious breathing problems , it will make you have bad arteries you be ever to move as quickly as you use to. Thank you very much bye
Same thing as will happen if you eat healthy foods---you will die eventually.
Unfortunately, the timing and quality of the life prior to that death may be something you might come to regret.