Crystal meth also known as methamphetamine is a highly addictive psycho stimulant drug. It is sold on the street in various forms as capsules, as a powder or more often in the form of crystals that resemble bits of ice. Crystal meth is primarily smoked by way of a pipe and is known for the euphoric feeling that it induces which lasts for as long as 15 hours.
Methamphetamine is primarily a drug that can be easily synthesized which has resulted in a number of clandestine labs being set up. In many places crystal meth is regarded as an illegal substance, for example in the UK the possession of crystal meth could lead to a penalty of 14 years life of imprisonment and in cases where an individual attempts to sell the substance the maximum penalty is life imprisonment. An overdose of crystal meth can lead to seizures, heart failure, coma and death.
Methamphetamine is primarily a drug that can be easily synthesized which has resulted in a number of clandestine labs being set up. In many places crystal meth is regarded as an illegal substance, for example in the UK the possession of crystal meth could lead to a penalty of 14 years life of imprisonment and in cases where an individual attempts to sell the substance the maximum penalty is life imprisonment. An overdose of crystal meth can lead to seizures, heart failure, coma and death.