
Is Brown Spotting A Sign Of Early Miscarriage?


2 Answers

Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
Brown spotting is normal in many cases, during early stages of pregnancy. So there is nothing to be worried about. However, do consult your doctor, he/she might suggest some tests etc. For more information on miscarriage symptoms see the link below:
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes it can be. It was for me anyway. I was eight weeks pregnant had a you/s the fetus looked to be 4 to 5 weeks but had a heartbeat. This is what my ob said. I went back one week later and had another you/s to find they couldn't see anything. Just a baby. She told me I was miscarrying. To come back in a week and if I haven't started bleeding we can talk about a D&C. I really want to do this naturally but I'm not sure it's going to work. It's been 6 days and I go back to the ob doc tommorrow and I have been spotting brown for 5 days. It's on my pad but not filling it up. Defintely more than just when you wipe tho. I've also had mild to moderate cramps too. I've been reading a lot of people saying brown is normal but from what I'm experiencing it would not be a bad idea to get checked out if you do experience brown discharge of any kind. It could be normal but you never know. I'm going back to the doc tommorrow and will prob have to have a D&C. Good luck to whoever might be going thro this. It's a horrible thing I'de never wish upon anyone.

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