
I am 14 and weigh 170 I am want to be at least 100 but only have one month to do so. Any one have suggestions on how to lose 70 pounds in one month or at least 50?


5 Answers

ashok kumar Profile
ashok kumar answered

There is no magic wand in this world which can help you do so naturally without any side-effects. So it is better to be yourself and take some time to do so. Otherwise you can harm your body with an unrealistic target.

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

I am assuming you are measuring in pounds, and if so you should be aware that 100lbs is dangerously underweight. The absolute minimum for the average teenager (who is 5ft6") is 118lbs. Try aiming for aroud 140lbs or 130lbs instead. That is a far more healthy, realistic goal. Good luck :)

Cheese And Crackers Profile

Look dude, I'm 13 I weigh 120 something. It's mostly because of the large muscle mass in my legs. That 20 pounds is all muscle, so without the muscle, I'm 100. That's a healthy weight for me. Since your older, a healthy weight for you would be your current weight (especially if your packing on those muscles!) I suggest not trying to lose weight right now, unless it's a huge problem.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

This question is 3 years old.  Since he had a one month deadline to accomplish what he wanted, I would suggest that no advice would be helpful at this point.

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