Yes you can it has just happened to me ! I had a silent miscarriage , a number of weeks later I had to go back to the hospital due to symptoms and they did a blood test which came back the hormone levels where very high they asked me back for a scan and there it was heart beating away I was 6 and a half weeks gone which was the time I was going through the miscarriage . We didnt have sex during or for some 2 wks after so the baby had been conceived from sperm before my body had expelled the miscarriage . To say I was shocked was an under statement.
Absolutely. Sometimes, miscarriages are the bodies way of preparing itself for a pregnancy. Many woman become depressed after a miscarriage, and feel responsible. Don't this is very common, aften a way of the body practicing for the real thing. If you continue to have miscarriages, then it is time to get a thorough check out. In the meantime, you want to make sure everything is cleared out, so always a good idea to get an ultrasound to make sure the womb expelled everything and that there are no obstructions left preventing fertility
Your levels can go down in a miscarriage but rise again if there is tissue left that did not expel. Left behind tissues can regenerate and also be a cancer threat so if your beta's are going down and then back up, I would have the Dr. Check you out perhaps have tissues still in there that need to get taken care of.
I started bleeding during my 5th week of pregnancy and soon found out that my hcg levels were extremely low...33 to be exact. I went back for another draw a few days later and my levels dropped to 25 which confirmed that I was miscarrying. My doctor wanted me to go back a couple weeks later to make sure that my levels had dropped below 5, but to her and my surprise they had gone up to 70. My doctor suspected I was pregnant again, but I have never stopped bleeding from my miscarriage and am still bleeding to this day. I'm confused because I don't think that your levels can fluctuate up and down that drastically if you're retaining something but I don't understand how I could have gotten pregnant when I was bleeding the whole time. Any advice?
I had a a miscarriage in may but I was sexually active the whole time I thought I was pregnant I still get morning sickness and I have not yet to come on my period since february since my first pregnancy could I be pregnant again
My boyfriend and I had sex a day after I found out a I misscarried .... Is there anyway that I could of gotten pregrant durring that time ? It is a week now after we had sex and I am feel sick and all the symptoms I did befor when when I was 3 weeks pregnant
Had a miscarraige at about 11 weeks only light bleeding and some clots. Me and my husband had sex. The next day the bleeding started and here I am pregnant again 4 weeks later.
Yes, you can get pregnant whilst miscarrying. You will not seriously injury yourself having sex before six week if you choose to. Your body takes a few day to heal. Whether people choose to have sex straight away is up to them, if they feel ready. People really should try doing a little research before popping their all knowing answers on here. It makes a stressful situation worse.
As for how people are affected mentally, varies from person to person. No one has the right to make judgement on whether it badly affects someone and what they should or shouldn't do. For me I was 10 1/2 weeks when I found out I was miscarrying as I had been bleeding lightly for three weeks. I had a d&c at 11 weeks. I am now 8 weeks , this overlaps with my miscarriage.
I was not devastated, I was stressed, this is a natural process and I was able to process the miscarriage this way, it was not right, the cake didn't rise in that instance. But I understand that it can effect people more profoundly, who are deeply hurt and depressed by this occurrence. I know we all look to forums for answers, maybe people should take more responsibility and care with their answers.
I was 4 weeks along and startede to discharge and got checked out,they said the baby was ok and my blood test was at 80 and that it could have been caused by stress, but told me to come back. After a week of dischrge -no pain- I went back and my feance went along, as we where waiting for test resalts we had sex in the hospitol room and found out 20 minnuts later I had a miscarrage and my hormone level was below 5. The doctor said to use condoms for at least a month untill we try again (whitch we have) and now a month later I have morning sickness sore chest ext.
Wow this is very interesting to read, on the 7th of jan 2010 I had my 12 week scan and was told my pregnancy had ended at about 5 weeks, I was unaware as my body was still acting pregnant, I was getting morning sickness, I had started to show etc, the day of my scan I started to bleed and over the next few days I had the miscarriage, I lost a lot of blood and clots even though there was only 4mm worth of embryo, I went back to the hospital on the 21st of jan to see if it was all gone, and was told it hasn't which has shocked me because of the amount of blood and big clots that I passed, It was only a small dot there so they are leaving me for now and I have to go back this friday for another scan. I have been wondering if I could actually be pregnant as I have started having sickness again and my breasts have grown and I'm feeling very tired. Me and my partner were having unprotected sex the whole time I thought I was pregnant, which was for about 7 weeks,since the miscarriage we haven't had sex as I have been bleeding etc. Now I'm wondering after reading this if that dot thats there is actually another pregnancy,who knows, I won't get my hopes up as its highly unlikely but maybe.
Well if your having a miscarriage your in too much pain to be thinking about getting pregnant I know I was anyway . But no you can not get pregnant while having a miscarriage, Your not so post to have any sexually activities during that time your body is in motion., stress. Good luck!
Under NO circumstances should you have sex during or for 6 weeks after a miscarriage. Doing so can cause serious injury to you. As mentally and physically painful as a miscarriage is how can you even THINK about sex??