This product worked for me last week. I am 5’4, 120 pounds and female.
I took Adderall the week prior and klonopin the night before
to sleep. I woke up at 6am, drank the
“extra strength” STRIP nc and consumed 32 ounces of water. I completed the 10-panel UDS at 9:00am: Three
hours after starting the flush.
I do NOT exercise regularly nor do I drink
a lot of water, so those variables can’t be attributed to my negative
I stopped with the toxins two weeks prior to my test. Then three hours before the test I took the 1oz drink and the 4 pills then drank about 50 oz of water. I passed my test with no problems. The employees at the head shop recommend you be toxin free 2 wks prior to taking the test. It worked for me. I'm 5'10 200lbs.
I have used Strip NC extra strength before for my job. I followed the directions, drank 3 hrs before and peed 4-5 before. I was only trying to clean my system of weed. It worked for me but I also went to my local dollar tree and got an at home weed test and checked myself before I drank it. I was dirty and within my third pee I did another, still dirty. Drank more water and by my 5th pee tested myself again and came out clean. Helped me a lot as I got the job.
the web will have you believing they can give you the moon. Lies. All lies.