
My Period Was One Week Late But It Came On Can I Still Be Pregnant?


10 Answers

Deborah Wacker Profile
Deborah Wacker answered
Chances are you are not pregnant. Having your period come 1 week late is not an indicator that you are pregnant if it was a regular period. Menses is when the uterus sheds its debris if you will away so the egg could not have implanted itself. Now there are some women that will have a day or two of very light bleeding or more to the point spotting and still be pregnant. If you want to make sure wait a week after your period and do a pregnancy test.
Mati green Profile
Mati green answered
One week isn't long enough for any pregnancy test to detect the hormone levels associated with pregnancy. You will need to wait at least 4 or 5 more weeks to get an accurate positive test result. Take note of how long your spotting lasts and tell the doctor when you go to the blood test, as that is the most accurate test you can get.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Periods/spotting can be brown, dark or of red color. Brown/dark color of the periods/spotting is due to delay in periods. Old blood is usually of brown  or dark color. Delay in periods can be due to pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, stress, and polycystic ovarian disease. If your spotting has lasted for just one day then there is chance of pregnancy. Reliability of home Pregnancy test is 75-96%.  In my opinion, you should get pregnancy test in blood if full flow of periods has not started yet.
tia diamondz Profile
tia diamondz answered
Was it light and brown or pink? If so then you could.
Robert Saurez Profile
Robert Saurez answered

No you r not preg.Sometimes when woman is stressed 2 much for last month her period mey come a bit later than usually.
If you want to make sure you can make pregnancy test,but my suggestion is that you still free.

I recommended you this pregnancy calculator to track your pregnancy!

Hope that helped!

Andrew Jorge Profile
Andrew Jorge answered

is your period any different cause it may not be if it's different but more in likely your not pregnant and you were just late b/c of stress!

Pregnancy calculator tracks your pregnancy week by week, although easily tells you the due date suggestions.

Hope that helped!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Probably not. If your expected period date is already 1 week late, you should be able to detect a pregnancy on a home pregnancy test.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My period is 1 week late, took pregnancy test negative, have spotting for 3 days then 4th bleeding can I be pregnant?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's lighter and brown and pink and just my under wear is dirty the first Day it was just a teeny bit on my under wear and yesterday the under wear got a little dirtier and now it's the same I don't feel like it's my period no bloating or cramps what could it be?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

If you start your period when you are pregnant you can have your baby with more blood than usual.

Just like if you want to have sex and your pregnant nothing will happen to the baby.


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