There are no clear reasons as to why this has occurred so it is advisable to see a doctor or nurse as soon as possible. There is however, one major deficiency that causes women's menstrual cycles to be affected and this is a lack of iron, a condition more commonly known as anaemia. Due to the lack of iron circulating in the blood you may experience a longer period. In some cases anaemic menstruation can become serious and result in light or unpredictable periods including occasional missed periods.
In terms of the menstrual cycle and how you can contract anaemia, you need to understand that iron is absorbed in the blood and flows through the body, women that reach a child bearing age tend to lose about a quarter cup of blood during every menstrual cycle. This means that some of the iron is lost during your period and if over time you are not compensating your iron intake through diet and supplements then you may contract anaemia.
In order to treat anaemia, premenopausal women are requested to have a daily amount of 15 mg per day for iron; however, this amount doubles during pregnancy. The treatment consists of a vitamin supplement which aims to keep hold of the body's iron as well as a diet which is rich in iron. If you need to change your diet to adhere to your iron needs then you should consider eating certain foods such as poultry, fish, meat, prune juice, dried fruits, whole grain bread and iron fortified pasta.
In terms of the menstrual cycle and how you can contract anaemia, you need to understand that iron is absorbed in the blood and flows through the body, women that reach a child bearing age tend to lose about a quarter cup of blood during every menstrual cycle. This means that some of the iron is lost during your period and if over time you are not compensating your iron intake through diet and supplements then you may contract anaemia.
In order to treat anaemia, premenopausal women are requested to have a daily amount of 15 mg per day for iron; however, this amount doubles during pregnancy. The treatment consists of a vitamin supplement which aims to keep hold of the body's iron as well as a diet which is rich in iron. If you need to change your diet to adhere to your iron needs then you should consider eating certain foods such as poultry, fish, meat, prune juice, dried fruits, whole grain bread and iron fortified pasta.