
Can You Be Four Months Pregnant And Not Know It?


13 Answers

Tess Langley Profile
Tess Langley answered
Although it is indeed possible to be four months pregnant without knowing, it is extremely rare.

When a woman becomes pregnant, the symptoms can become visible very soon after. Normally the first sign would be that their period has not come around the usual date of their menstrual cycle. Another symptom is that breasts become very heavy and can be tender to touch. This is because they are starting to adapt so they are ready to be used as milk ducts.

These very visible signs often trigger the woman to believe something is going on and most will consider that it could well be pregnancy. Therefore nearly all women after missing their period, and knowing they recently engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse, will take a home pregnancy test.

If a woman with these symptoms does not take a home pregnancy test then it is likely they may still go to the doctors if they are worried that they have missed their period. Therefore, the doctor is likely to want them to take a pregnancy test and they will find out this way.

This means that someone would have to go nearly four months without a period. Also, a bump would normally be visible by this stage and the breasts would certainly have enlarged.

It is always beneficial to find out if a woman is pregnant as soon as possible. This way it gives them the choice of whether they wish to keep it. Also, the doctor can tell them exactly what diet they need to follow to have a healthy baby; this normally means cutting out alcohol and cigarettes completely.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes. My cuzin was bout 4 mounths pregnant an she didnt know. SHe had her period an everything. Than she started to get bigger an thought something was wrong. So yes you could be
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 16 years old I think I am four months pregnant.. Me and my ex bf had sex for nine months and never once used protection.. I have a lot of the symptoms, cravings, nose bleeds, heart burn, peeing a lot, headaches, and vaginal discharge.. The only thing I have not gotten is nauses.. I have had severe stomache pain for the last two months that has made me go into the hospital, doctors cannott figure out what is wrong.. They say there is a lump about 5-7cm large but they can't get a good enough picture of it with a ultrasound to see what it is.. They keep hoping its just a syst that will go away. I have also taken multiple pregnancy tests they all come back negative.. But I swear its true, in the last month I gained about 7 pounds and have a slightly visible bump on my stomache.. I don't know what to doo..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that I could b 4 months pregnant and not know it! Me and my husband have been trying to have a second child and about 4 months ago before he left for iraq we had sex and I have had all the symptoms of being pregnant like I did with my first child but I have taken over 12 at home tests and I have had 5 blood tests done and all negative! I don't know what is going on with me but if anyone can help me please do!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually yes you can be pregnant and not know it wether you are 3 months or 9 months. There are lots of reasons that you might not know that you are pregnant. When someone is pregnant and they don't know that they are it is usally because when they do get there period it isn't normal. It is never the same some months it will come and then it wont come again for 3 or more months. There is definetly a chance that someone is pregnant and not know that they are. However if you think that you are pregnant then you should go and get a test or go to the doctor and make sure. Because if you are you want to take the right steps fo yourself.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes you can, I just found out I'm 4 1/2 months pregnant and I had no idea, until I felt little movements one night. Every body responds differently to pregnancy
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
My ex girl friened is pregant but the thing is she hag prengnacy symtons 4 month ago and she thinks she is 0ne one month pregnant
Anonymous commented
I need advice. My period has been irregular since september. By irregular i mean lighter than usual. Up until september my periods had always been heavier and lasted 5 days. But since then on out theyve been lighter flow lasting 3-4 days. My breasts are sore and have veins, ive had lower back aches. This month ive felt some kind of movement. I dnt know what it is. Ive also had nausea and headaches. What confuses me is ive had negative hpt and blood test in october. Someone help
rebecca simcox Profile
rebecca simcox answered
I also comfused as I had sex 4 months ago and now I feel sick all the time have a wierd taste in my mouth and I feel sick when I lie on my stomach my left brest hits my I push it but right one dose not, my stomach feels a bit hard under my chest/middle and hurts when prested on it. I don't know whats wrong with me I had my 3 periods each month but they came 2 days early each month. Help
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I too am wondering this same question. The last time I had sex was the end of march, I got my period late in April and it didn't last 7 days like normal, the same thing happened in May, June, and July. Here it is August and I have missed my period. I do have another child but I knew from day 1 that I was pregnant with him. And I have wonder if I am now if I got pregnant back in March because I feel "movements" and I'm very moody either I'm yelling or crying. That and lately all I want to do is eat. I haven't taken a test because it has been months since I last had sex and I didn't kno if it was possible 2 b pregnant and not know. I have no signs that my period is on its way. I just don't kno if I should take a test or just wait it out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually I have the same kind of question I had sex 4 months ago and I messed up my BC so my period was all out of wacky the past few weeks though I have serious sore nipples I pee constantly and am very nauseous all the time but he only way I could be pregnant is if I was close to being 4 months. I even went to the doctor to take a pee test and it came back negative I don't know whats going on
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Someone That See The Future told Me To Tell You You Are Pregnant And To Get An Ultrasound Done.The Baby Doesn't want to Be Seen
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need advice. My period has been irregular since september. By irregular I mean lighter than usual. Up until september my periods had always been heavier and lasted 5 days. But since then on out they've been lighter flow lasting 3-4 days. My breasts are sore and have veins, ive had lower back aches. This month ive felt some kind of movement. I don't know what it is. Ive also had nausea and headaches. What confuses me is ive had negative hpt and blood test in october. Someone help
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 23 years old in october I went with my fiance to vacations and twice had unprotected sex my fiancee after that had to take a business trip for 8 months , my period came expected date after that so I assumed everything was fine then my period did not came for 42 days I took four home pregnancy test and came back negative and even went to the doctor and took another urine test after 42 days my period came this was in december in january 12 my period came after 36 days which for me its normal , now its end of feb and its 46 days with no period I don't know what its going on please tell if I could be pregnant I still had my menstrual symptoms like sore breast and cramps but nothing
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
No it is not possible because you will get the symptoms of pregnancy. Here is a link to find out more about the 4 month pregnancy:
thanked the writer.
Michelle (Elle is my nickname)
Actually, I knew a 16 year old girl who was 6 months pregnant and didn't know it until she went to the doctor for a routine checkup. I have also heard numerous times about women going to the hospital with severe cramping and out pops a baby...they didn't even know they were pregnant! One of them was an older woman who had already been through menopause!!

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