In order to get the most accurate answer for this question for you, you should discuss this matter with your doctor. Flying, or any other form of long distance travel, carries with it the risk of a blood clot. Not just this but if you experience any post op problems you will be a far distance from your familiar doctor. If you have had a successful operation, some doctors will say that you can travel as soon as 4 or 5 weeks afterwards.
If you are in a position where you can fly then you should take extra precautions to avoid getting a blood clot. Ask for an aisle seat so that you will be able to get up frequently during the flight to stretch your legs. When you are sitting, be sure to move your legs regularly. Rotate your feet in a circular motion at the ankles, wiggle your toes, push your feet against the floor and make sure that you do not cross your legs at the knees or ankles. You should wear comfortable slippers or take off your shoes during the flight and avoid drinking any alcohol. Wearing anti-embolism stockings is very important and keep stretching to help increase your circulation. Before and after the flight make sure that you ask someone else to carry any of your luggage for you. Contact your health insurance company to make sure that they are aware of your recent operation and that the cover includes it. Be prepared and check ahead of time to make sure that there is a wheelchair available for you to use. Wheelchairs are particular helpful to post op patients during check in as they will relieve any waiting in line for a long time.
The most important factor to consider when travelling after a hysterectomy is that you should keep your legs moving as frequently as possible.
If you are in a position where you can fly then you should take extra precautions to avoid getting a blood clot. Ask for an aisle seat so that you will be able to get up frequently during the flight to stretch your legs. When you are sitting, be sure to move your legs regularly. Rotate your feet in a circular motion at the ankles, wiggle your toes, push your feet against the floor and make sure that you do not cross your legs at the knees or ankles. You should wear comfortable slippers or take off your shoes during the flight and avoid drinking any alcohol. Wearing anti-embolism stockings is very important and keep stretching to help increase your circulation. Before and after the flight make sure that you ask someone else to carry any of your luggage for you. Contact your health insurance company to make sure that they are aware of your recent operation and that the cover includes it. Be prepared and check ahead of time to make sure that there is a wheelchair available for you to use. Wheelchairs are particular helpful to post op patients during check in as they will relieve any waiting in line for a long time.
The most important factor to consider when travelling after a hysterectomy is that you should keep your legs moving as frequently as possible.