
Clear White Discharge Before My Expected Period Means What ?


22 Answers

Babz Bell Profile
Babz Bell answered
What any particular vaginal discharge means, or whether there is a need to consult a doctor, depends partly on the age of the person concerned and whether she is currently taking any kind of medication.

Pregnancy and health problems such as diabetes, for instance, may also have an impact, as can sexual activity.

This in itself can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on number and kind of sexual partners, whether birth control is used and the kind of sexual activity indulged in, particularly if abuse is involved.

As a rule, a clear to white odourless discharge is normal and will vary in consistency and amount during a woman's menstrual cycle.

Before the release of an egg, or ovulation, a lot of mucous is produced, resulting in a much more noticeable, usually almost clear and stringy discharge. This can be up to 30 times the amount likely to be discharged after ovulation.

If this discharge is accompanied by itching, however, it may indicate a yeast infection and may require medical treatment.

A watery clear discharge may occur after heavy exercising and is also quite normal. A darker, brown discharge shortly after a period is simply a cleaning out of the vagina.

A green or yellow coloured discharge, especially if this is fairly thick and clumpy, with a consistency similar to cottage cheese, is highly likely to indicate an infection.

Whatever the colour of the discharge, if it is accompanied by discomfort, itching, pain or rashes and/ or sores, it is advisable to seek the opinion of a medical professional.

Even without these accompanying symptoms, if it is felt that a discharge of any colour is proving to be of worrying proportions, seeking medical help will result in determining possible causes and, if nothing else, can put one's mind at rest.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm also having the same problem of white discharge..... And I had cramps too but I stil have 3 days more for my periods.... What would I expect Periods or Pregnancy???
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means you are normal and it is a sign your period is coming. Happens to everyone. If your discharge is heavy or bothersome you can use a panty liner to feel fresh. Never, ever use a tampon for discharge. Tampons are to be used for menstrual blood only!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A lot of women say that yes its a symptom of pregnancy but it only shows how ignorant we are about our body sometimes. Pregnancy symptoms and menstrual symptoms are very similar to each other. You will experience tender or sensitive breasts, sometimes it will be accompanied by nausea, discharge may or may not occur usually when its near your period it tends to become an opaque color with no odor of course, weakness can also be a symptom of period. Just because you may be experiencing some of these signs do not automatically rule it out as pregnancy. Spotting my also occur before your period or even a slight pinkish or brownish tint to the discharge. Although if you realize it does persist and is not accompanied by your period, then I recommend you see a doctor.
prerna rao Profile
prerna rao answered
I had pull out method wit my guy few days back n he sprayed t on my lower abdomen...n my periods on 16th. M getting white discharge as I usually get.. M I pregnant?
Pls rply
Amanda Wells Profile
Amanda Wells answered
It may do, or it may mean nothing at all - most women get some discharge, and in fact this is usually a healthy sign. But if the discharge is heavy, greyish in colour or smells unpleasant, something could be wrong, so you should keep an eye on it. You can find out more from this medical website but if you are worried you should see a doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My period is irr regular generally it cames 45 days  but this time it 2  month late I had some white discharge & then finally I got period
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ive been having the same clear discharge and spot bleeding for the last 3 days pinkish blood only when I wipe though!!! Wut does this mean?? I had unprotected sex about two weeks ago and I'm supposed to get my period in a week!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My period date is march 31.  But I did not get . But I am getting white. It it heathy one or not
Matthew Profile
Matthew answered
If it is a clear vaginal discharge then that is normal since the uterine lining produces a small amount of fluid that helps keep the vagina clean.  This fluid is normally clear or milky white and does not have an unpleasant odor.  This fluid can be thicker during specific times of the menstrual cycle or during sexual arousal.  An increase in the amount of discharge or the presence of an unpleasant odor, pain, or itching can all be signs of an infection or of another serious disorder.  Hope this helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem I have white discharge and really bad cramps but I'm not due for my period tell the middle of the month should I go see a doctor ,,
and every time I have the really bad cramps my boyfriend rubs my belly and the pain goes away am I pragnant ? Or could I be? Someone please help...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your body is taking out anything that it doesnt belong. Don't worry once in a while it happens. Its normal
Christy Mendes Profile
Christy Mendes answered
I was on pill for 3 mths and I recently got off pill in the begining of sept so now I was expecting my period on Oct 5th but I didnt get it I'm thinking maybe the pill didbt help me be regular n well now is 7 days late n I been experiencing bad cramps which makes me think I'm going to have my period but no can anyone help ... Or has anyone gone through this? I been with my fiance for 4 years n I havent gotten pregnant
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its common for any women to have vaginal discharges, regardless of period and ovulation.
andrea Profile
andrea answered
Its normal it happens before you get your period
which is because you will start ovulating
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 30 yrs old woman I am having the same time of problem my last period was on 22nd May did I missed my period.  I am in big dilemma .please somebody help...
wilbert u can call me sue Profile
After 12 days past your period, and the discharge is either white or clear, this is often an indication that you are ovulating. If the discharge is thick and has an odor then you may have a yeast infection. If there is no odor I would not be concerned, but if there is, there are some home test that can determine and often tablets you can purchase.  If you do not feel confident with this, you can always go to a clinic and have a swab taken to be sure.  Many women will treat yeast infections, when in fact they do not have one and this is not good for your bodies ph levels
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Could be a lot of different things...My female had an infection and she discharged a jelly-like substance. I would recommend taking her to your vet. If its nothing, itll cost you around $35; if its something serious, it will be more but at least you will know and can get it taken care of...Sorry I couldnt be more help. Hope everything works out and your dog is fine!

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