
How Can I Induce Labor At 17 Weeks Pregnant?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I guess it would Just be easier for you to see your baby dead then to give a healthy baby a loving home with somebody else. Bitch.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm not trying to be rude..But why in the heck would you ever want to do that.
I am 36 weeks and 2 days pregnant and I'm about ready to induce my labor but your baby is NOT always full term until at least 37 weeks..
You are Way too early.
That baby never asked to be made.
You need to give him/her a chance.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You are dumb as hell if didnt want a child then you shouldn't have waited till you where 17 weeks to do something about it.... You are going to have some serious answering to God when and if you make it to heaven.... I'm going to pray for you... You know you can give the baby up for adoption.
WHY?  That little baby deserves`a  chance and you are too late for an abortion.  So, if you do find a way, you may face homicide charges.  Be prepared!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Why on earth would you want to induce @ 17 weeks? If you didn't want a child you shouldn't have opened your legs. If you do put yourself into early labor I hope they put you behind bars.

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