My Period Has Been Going For About 2 Weeks Now. What's Wrong With Me?


16 Answers

Rob Facey Profile
Rob Facey answered
You don't say how old you are, or any other of your personal circumstances, which makes it really difficult to know what the problem might be. For example, if you are young and haven't been having periods for very long, this is quite normal (as long as the blood loss isn't so heavy that it is debilitating) and just your body getting used to all of the changes.

If, on the other hand, you are older, could it be that are you are starting with the menopause? This very often makes periods become erratic; you may not have one for months, then they could come every couple of weeks, or they could last for much longer than usual.

There are things that can be done if your periods are becoming troublesome so you should see your doctor, firstly to find out the reason why you are experiencing this, and secondly to find out what can be done about it. The days when women just put up and shut up about their periods has long gone, so you can be sure that your doctor will take you seriously if you say that they are impacting on your life more than they should.

There are a huge range of treatments from taking hormone tablets (not always the contraceptive pill, though this is often used to regulate periods) to having a hysterectomy (and many treatments in between these), and treatment will be tailored to suit you, depending on things like how old you are, and whether your family is complete.

If your family is complete, there is a solution that will mean that you no longer have periods, but does not entail you having to go through a hysterectomy. You can have your uterine wall lasered in a simple procedure; in the majority of cases this means that you will never be bothered by periods ever again.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My period is going on to three weeks and it gets heavey then its light then it seems like its over but its not and at times its red or times it seems a little brown and I don't know what to do I am freaking out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your period is probably going through a change in cycle. I would suggest seeing a GYN and being put on a birth control pill which will regulate your cycle. That happened to me many years ago when I was young and the pill helped get it back on perfect schedule. I would also suggest getting tested for anemia as you are losing blood daily, an iron supplement will assist in that.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It could be that you are anaemic. See your GP for a blood test. See your GP anyway and get checked out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm in the same situation.. I think I may be anaemic due to iron loss, I have heavy periods, been given iron deficiency pills and now I've had my period for over a week or two.. It's not heavy at the moment but it was for that one week - now it's slow. Help?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god! Is it iron deficency that causes this?.. I was gettin worried as I went to the docs for hair loss they took a blood test and I was anaemic and now my period has been going on for over 2 weeks which is worrying should I go back to the DOCS?? X
catherine Profile
catherine answered
I am 17 and I took the morning after pill 3 weeks ago. Then I started on the pill for the very first time 2 weeks ago. My period has lasted 2 weeks now and its a browny colour. And I also feel very uncomfortable there aswell. And resently I've been very fatigued and I look pale and everyone thinks I look sick I've also lost my appetite and I can sleep. What is wrong with me?
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
I don't know that you put it in right, and you should go and see your doctor about this. It might not agree with your system, and you might need to get rid of it. Hope this helps, good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do you have irregular periods? I do and sometimes my do that to. The doctor said it is because my uterine wall is thick than others.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've Had My Period For About Three Weeks Now,with a lot of cramp, whats wrong with me
Jane  Snow Profile
Jane Snow answered
Maybe this isn't good for you.why don't you change your birth control something else like pills. When I was on them they bother me at all and besides your periods will be lighter.and the reason I am not on any now is because I am trying for another baby.but I would try pills if you have not. Its most likely the Nuvaring thats making your period last so long it may be away that your body can't handle it change to the pills not the depo shot.japeace
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm the same had it for nearly 3 weeks now went to the docter they said I need to have a swab and see what the results say.... Last time I had a blood test it said I was borderline anemic...could thins all be becuse of iron deficency? O.o
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you are a teenager then its perfectly normal. You could visit a doctor if you would like
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I  been  on  a  period  for  4  weeks  now  n  I don't  know  what  to do I  come  of  for  a  day  then  bk on  again  its  not  heavy  at  all  just  could  you  help  mi  I  am  on  the  pill  injection

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