My Penis In Itchy From Inside Specially Near The Head And Sometimes A Little Burning.What Can This Be?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It could be a urinary infection which is an infection caused by bacteria that has managed to get in.
It can be treated simply by antibiotics and you should be ok in no time :)
Mati green Profile
Mati green answered
You can't diagnose what it is by just a yellow discharge... But you best get to a doctor as soon as possible. It may be chlamydia  or it could be an early indication of gonorrhea or even syphilis. Don't wait to see what else develops... Either one of these can be serious. And Amoxicillin will NOT touch any of these conditions.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's clamidia all the way...go to the doctor and they will give you some pills and you'll be
cathi Profile
cathi answered
I would definitely go see a doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Me too can anyone tell what to do to fix it I'm only 14 and I never had sex so its not gonorrhea or any of that I don't want to see a doctor tell me what I can do???
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god! Aids!!!!!! Nah just kidding kid go see your mum !! Nah just kidding son I would see a female nurse if you know what I mean

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