My period came on the 11/2/2010 what is my most fertile days
I have a 29 day cycle my period start january 6/2010 what is my most fertile days
You need to see if you are ovulating first. You can test this with the over the counter ovulating kits. Test it the tenth day after your period and if you are ovulating. If you are that's when you have sex. This is the cheapest and fastest way to find out. If you are not ovulating, then consult with your obgyn and she will prescribe you medication to make your period come more regular.
12 to 14 days from the first day of your last period is your best bet. In your scenario above, Aug. 23rd - Aug. 25th would have been your best chances of getting pregnant. Of course everyone is different though. You can download a free ovulation calendar online. Just do a search.
Fertile days are those around the ovulation days when chances of pregnancy are high. This ovulation usually occurs at mid of the cycle. If you have 28 days cycle then ovulation can occur at day 14. If you get your periods on 24-26 day of the month then your fertile days can be 3, 4,5,6 and 7th of next month in case of 31 days month like July and August and 4,5,6,7 and 8th of the next month in case of 30 days month like September.
Don't listen to the classic 28 day speak! You are smart to keep track of your own cycle and figure out what is normal for you. Also, every woman ovulates at a different time so you might want to track your BBT (Ovulation Calculator will tell you how) so that you know when in your cycle you O. The most fertile time is the 5 days leading up to O along with the day you O and potentially the day after. If you have a text book 12-14 day luteal phase and a constant 30 day cycle then you'd ovulate CD17-19 and would likely be fertile CD12-19. Hope that helps, good luck!!!
An ovulating woman is fertile ANYTIME during her cycle, including during her period. Yes, you are definitely fertile during this time. When you are most fertile depends very much on you as an individual; typically it is 5-7 days prior to one's period on a 30-31 day cycle. Regardless, if you are ovulating and having sex, pregnancy is possible at anytime.
The best way to tell is to either do bbt charting or use over the counter ovulation tests. Using an average is not an accurate way and could be dangerous. My periods are also 24-26 days apart, but I tend to ovulate on day 18. Under these conditions all of my pregnancies are miscarried because the embryo needs 12 to 14 days between ovulation and menstruation and I only have 6 to 8 days. If I take Vitex and Vitamin B Complex once a day for a few weeks, my period spaces out to every 28 days and my ovulation comes at day 16, giving me just enough time for a viable pregnancy. So if it a baby that you want, be sure to get accurate numbers and make sure there is enough time between ovulation and menstruation.
Actually, 12-14 days is the norm if you have a 28 day cycle. It's later if your cycle is longer (I know, I'm one of those ladies). Your most fertile days would be the 26th - 31st. Check out this link, it helps you calculate your most fertile days.
If my period is aug 31,09 and ends at sept 6,09 am I fertile on the 12th or15 if my cycle is 32 days