• Taking precautions
Even if you are pretty confident of when you ovulate, it is advisable to use contraception any time that you have sex unless you want to become pregnant because there are so many variables for each woman's cycle.
• Trying to conceive
Some couples are far more fertile than others and so getting pregnant is not a problem, but for others it takes longer and for those people it can be a frustrating and upsetting time. Doctors, however, are not really concerned about fertility issues until two years have elapsed because this is not unusual.
Naturally, this doesn't mean that if you don't want a baby you can assume that you are safe because you've only had unprotected sex a few times - it is possible to get pregnant the first time.
• Ovulation detectors
There are some ways of detecting when you are about to ovulate, and therefore, become more fertile, such as sensitive temperature taking and shop bought ovulation kits, but unless you have been advised to go down this path by a medical expert, it is not advised.
The reason for this is that it can make both you and your partner stressed, which is not conducive to a good sex life, and actually seems to impede conception taking place.