I think running is the best form of exercise to burn fat.
It is easy to do. All you need is a pair of trainers and you do not need to be a member of a gym to do it. Just hit the road with your favourite playlist blasting into your ears and you will soon be working up a sweat, feeling the burn and the kilometres will fly past.
Compared to other exercises it has a high level of calorie loss and you do not have to do it for hours on end.
Personally I run for about 30 min, which is usually a distance of 5K and I burn about 400 calories. I do this 3 times a week to keep me healthy.
However if you really want to shed some weight then you also need to look at eating a balance healthy diet, doing these two things both together will help the pounds drop off.
Aside from weight loss, running has a lot of other benefits like helping to keep you looking young!
Other benefits of running -
- Increases metabolism
- Healthier heart
- Increased self esteem
- Toned muscles
- Increased energy
- Stronger bones and joints
- Relieves stress
- Strengthens immune system
- Reduced risk of high blood pressure
- Improved self image
Now don't panic if you are saying 'there is no way I can run'. Just start off with walking for 1 min,running for 2 min then walking again for 1 min. Slowly increase your running time over several runs so eventually you will no longer have to walk. You will be surprised just how quickly you improve.
Also set yourself a realistic target it will give you motivation as you do your runs. Trust me they will be hard and during them you will want to stop. Just dig deep and keep going slow your pace if you need to get your breath back, you will have such a sense of achievement when you have completed the run that it will make you feel great!
Why not sign yourself up to a local charity race.
I suggest you give it a try just remember to drink lots before you run, attack those hills, and if you get that lead feeling in your legs it is just lack of oxygen in your muscles. Slow your pace get your breath back and you will feel a lot better.
Good luck.