Most likely is implantation bleeding and you are pregnant. Best to see your Dr. To be sure.
If you have had pink colored spotting for two days time, then it could be a cause of concern.
According to my knowledge, a pinkish brown discharge before or right after you have expect your periods is a sign of pregnancy. It is actually implantation bleeding that is seen in most of the women who get pregnant.
I am on an IUD and have been waiting for periods which were due on 22nd march, since 2 days I have the pinkish spots when I wipe with a tissue, me too don't need a pad...would I be pregnant? I never ever missed my before this, and always mine is a regular cycle 28 days. What do I do? My pregnancy tests came negative, and even the blood test from the doc came negative,any suggestions?
I'm getting the same - I'm on CD34 whereas I usually have a 29/30 day cycle - home pregnancy test keeps coming back negative? All I have been getting for 3 days now is pinkish spots occasionally when I wipe - no need for a pad/tampon.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?