Only push-ups can make a body stronger? Can give little bit more muscle?


4 Answers

I'mheretohelpyou Faith Profile

There's a lot of ways to make your body stronger. Body building, exercising, eating healthy.Push ups can help you gain more upper body strength and pull ups helps with that as well.

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

You can lift weights to build arm muscle and strength, also increase your protein intake will aid in muscle building.

Cyber Tooth Tiger Profile

Exercise with the arms build strength so it serves the purpose and you're going to build muscle. Just stay away from them over the counter protein drinks, they can cause kidney problems and even kidney damage. I know a guy it happened to so stay away.. Instead ask your doctor. Watch health trainers they can be on steroid. I never trust no one but my doctor.

Kk polly Profile
Kk polly answered

Push-ups are a great exercise! I only recently learned how to do them correctly where they don't hurt my wrists. Now I'm preparing myself for the air force's physical test. Don't forget about lower body exercises though.

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