It is unlikely that any negative outcome should befall a person who is taking antibiotics and smoking marijuana. Mixing marijuana and antibiotics should not actually impact on the efficacy of the antibiotics. Having said that, it is always best to check with a doctor before mixing antibiotics with anything, as they have the expertise to be able to provide you with up-to-date and relevant information.
If you are on antibiotics it is advised that alcohol is not taken, as this affects the impact of the antibiotic, as it effectively numbs the power that they have by flushing them through the system at too great a speed.
• Marijuana
Marijuana can affect the body in many ways. The heart rate will increase and continue to be increased for around 30 minutes after smoking the drug. If the drug is ingested in other forms increased heart rate may last longer. The blood pressure will change in the body and eye pressure will fall causing the whites of the eyes to appear pink. Some people complain of cold sensations in their hands and feet and may shiver all over. The muscles relax, and a dry mouth is also a common effect of taking marijuana.
• Antibiotics
All antibiotics have some side effects and the most common of these are diarrhea, headaches and nausea. Some antibiotics are obviously stronger than others and alcohol should be avoided when taking antibiotics. Most antibiotics users should also avoid driving whilst on the drugs and also should avoid using dangerous machinery.
A doctor should always be consulted when taking antibiotics, to ensure that any other substances are safe to use with the antibiotics.
If you are on antibiotics it is advised that alcohol is not taken, as this affects the impact of the antibiotic, as it effectively numbs the power that they have by flushing them through the system at too great a speed.
• Marijuana
Marijuana can affect the body in many ways. The heart rate will increase and continue to be increased for around 30 minutes after smoking the drug. If the drug is ingested in other forms increased heart rate may last longer. The blood pressure will change in the body and eye pressure will fall causing the whites of the eyes to appear pink. Some people complain of cold sensations in their hands and feet and may shiver all over. The muscles relax, and a dry mouth is also a common effect of taking marijuana.
• Antibiotics
All antibiotics have some side effects and the most common of these are diarrhea, headaches and nausea. Some antibiotics are obviously stronger than others and alcohol should be avoided when taking antibiotics. Most antibiotics users should also avoid driving whilst on the drugs and also should avoid using dangerous machinery.
A doctor should always be consulted when taking antibiotics, to ensure that any other substances are safe to use with the antibiotics.