How Long Does Menopause Last?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 years old, and it is a highly individual process. Officially, a woman is said to have reached menopause when she has not experienced a menstrual period in 12 consecutive months.

Some women have no symptoms except the cessation of menses, while others might have them for five years or more.   Some women always continue to have hot flashes, for example, while some others never experience them or have them in pre-menopause (perimenopausal women).  

Check with your physician if there are specific symptoms that are of concern to you.  Hormone replacement therapy, (including bio-identical hormones) as well as natural and holistic relief for symptoms are available.

Here is a site you may find helpful for additional information on menopause and care during peri and post menopause:

Menopause Resource
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have found that ground flaxseed is extremely effective at getting rid of the “brain fuzz” and feeling more positive. Two to three tablespoons each day is sufficient. You can add it to eggs, oatmeal/hot cereals, etc.

Also tea made from fenugreek seeds is wonderful. Boil a cup of water, add about 1/2 tsp of seeds, boil for five minutes, remove from heat and steep for 10 minutes. Tastes like maple syrup (with a little celery seed flavor). Drink two cups of tea a day. (If you are taking insulin or blood thnners, check with your doctor first.)

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Is there a test I can take to find out what stage of pr-menopause I am in? I have suffered with all kinds of symptom's the worst is the depression prior to my period for 9 years now. I do not take any prescription's and do not want too. I am at the point where maybe I should consider surgery. Or can I  feel reassured it is all most over!
Aimee Rogers Profile
Aimee Rogers answered
The menopause is unfortunately a permenant thing. Every single woman gets it when they get older and there is no turning back. The reason this is, is because every woman is born with a certain amount of eggs in them. As time goes on we have periods to release those eggs and we only release a few at a time. We never develop new eggs which is something that many women do not know, and so at a certain age our eggs run out and there is no more need for our periods. So we go through the menopause which is the last ever period which we will ever have. From then on it all goes downhill and our bodies are more suspetible to diseases like Osteoporosis. So the menopause is a permenant thing and it cannot be stopped.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It has being 6 years since my last period I still get night sweats , ii it possible are is something also  thank you
Daisy Sarma Profile
Daisy Sarma answered
Menopause is a landmark period in any woman's life. True, a woman's life continues beyond menopause, as usual. However, there is one major difference: beyond menopause she cannot bear any more children. Menopause is that time of the life of a woman beyond which her ovaries cease to function, and this is what causes the cessation of the menstruation cycle.

Scientifically, you can define menopause as the period wherein a woman ceases to have her periods for 12 months at a stretch. As mentioned above, the period of menopause is one of transition, of change. And as usually happens with change, the impact can be one of two - the person experiencing menopause may experience intense depression, a sense of loss. This is because this event marks the closure of one phase of life - no more child bearing, periods, none of the routine things associated with being a woman so far in her life since she attained puberty. On the other hand, she may experience relief, at the prospect of finally living a relaxed life without the hassles and attendant problems that come with having periods and child bearing.

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