Yes you can. It is a very slim chance and if you are you really need to find out cause the IUD can cause problems with baby.
I would see a doctor immediately in case you are pregnant. Also birth controls are meant to make your body think it's pregnant which prevents ovulation, so your body may just be reacting how it would if you were pregnant. So if you are not pregnant consider another birth control method.
Yes you can be pregnant. Although it is a very effective form of birth control, nothing is 100%. I had the ten year copper IUD inserted 7 1/2 years ago. It has worked until now. I am now pregnant with the IUD still in place. I have been checked, poked, and prodded numerous times over the past two weeks, and all doctors say it is still in the correct position. So, I guess I am the less than 1% who get pregnant, and you could be too. I understand why you are asking this question online and looking for answers and similar cases, but don't use this instead of going to the doctor. You should have had tests done as soon as you missed a period or experienced symptoms. Every IUD pregnancy is different, but they ALL carry high risks, and your's, like mine, could be feared as life threatening. Go get checked.
You can for sure get pregnant with an IUD. The chances are just the same as with any other birth control. I think it's very important to see your Doctor as soon as possible, because the chances of it being a tubal pregnancy is very high. If your not pregnant there may be something wrong with your IUD.
Yes, it is possible that you can definitely get pregnant while on IUD birth control. However, the chances of getting pregnant with an IUD are very unlikely as inscribed on the packaging that the IUD is 99% effective. This indicates that it effective but it carries some small percentage of likelyhood. It is also vital to note that if you do get pregnant while the IUD is in, there are high chances of miscarriage although there may be some chance of survival. Good luck.
Yes you can be pregnant
Yes I got pregnant with the iud I have no faith in birth control!!!
I have symptom's of being pregnant I have an iud now I believe I'm 7 weeks pregnant I've been spotting brownish blood what should I do
I have an iud and have had a tubal done but if feel pregnant... Can this happen I would love to have one... I have had my iud for about 4 years now....
I have an iud its 1 year and 11 months,but I fell I'm a pregnant.. This past few days when I check my underwear I don't see any spot... Does it possible for being pregnant?pls help me
Yes, you can get pregnant from an IUD they say its 99.9% effective and you can't well I believe they messed up on the packageing they men to say 99.9% failure because on this website I found I can't remember it but a lot of women have gotten pregnant on the IUD and well they can be either 6mos or 2-3 years on the IUD and they get pregnant its a bunch of rubbish I have it now and I am going to my gyno for a check up and I am getting it takeing out and I believe I am pregnant also I have been having nausea and very tired ALL the time and well I have headaches and I have to go to the bathroom a lot (NOT pleasant!!) and my fiancee he is getting the pains I have and well its sympothy pains and well he is happy that I might be pregnant I have a 2yr old but its ok he is very happy with the possibility that I might be but anyway I hope this info can help you out!
Yes yes yes I'm pregnant on an iud!