I was 41 when my periods started acting weird like that. I had to have a hysterectomy though because I was in a lot of pain and the flow and color were strange from month to month.
My mom said she went through a phase where this happened to her in her mid 40's but the doctor said it wasn't menopause yet.
My periods are regulars but for the last 3 years are extremely heavy and for the last 5 months I've been having 2 periods per month and spotting in between.
I hate to think about this, as I am starting to go through this myself. I had the odd cycle, and I get night sweats and am very emotional. I get the occasional hot flash. It isn't officially menopause until you haven't had a cycle of any kind for at least a year, this is what my doctor told me, and I am officially premenopausal. Ugh.
Entering pre-menopause it sounds like. If you can get through the entire menopause without a hystorectomy I believe it is for the best.
Not only listen to your dr. but think for yourself, and try and enjoy life in the meantime --